I have been programming Motorolas for years, but never any GE. I just acquired a couple of LPE200s, they haven't actually arrived yet, and naturally desired to do some programming. Some time ago, I managed to find a copy of what turned out to be "Conventional Programmer". I installed it today and decided to look around a bit to get familiar. One of the first things I saw was a "Radio"selection slider. There were a lot of different models listed there, but not the LPE200. I thought I read somewhere that LPE200s were programmed with "Programmer". Perhaps I have the wrong version. If I may, what is the correct version, and can it be obtained without actually purchasing it from Harris? If this is one of those cases where the software is only available from the manufacturer, I guess I will just put the radios in a box along with all the other GE stuff I have accumulated over the years that I didn't have the right stuff to program. These radios will be used for Amateur use only if even that. Most likely, after I have played with them for a while, they will get put on the shelf. I am currently only active on 900 MHz and there isn't much activity here, so basically, I am not on the air at all. I just like to fool with radios. I know that last part wasn't necessary, but I just wanted to explain that I won't be programming these to use on any commercial frequencies or selling them. I just want to tinker some.