Well I can with good confidence tell you that the OKC patches will probably not be the permanent/full-time patches.
Most likely they are going to be the link's for the mobiles/handhelds that can be patched into the DPS system, not the full time links.
There are not enough voice channels (5 currently) on the DPS-OKC system to run the voice traffic of OHP A Metro, OHP Troop A Rural, DPS, Cleveland Co, Capitol Patrol, Medi-Flight, Village/Nich Hills FD, Turnpike 1, aTurnpike 2, Executive Security, and all of the regularly active users on DPS *PLUS* the twelve TG's of OKC Public Safety not to mention that there are six of those 12 that are constantly active.
The expansion of the OKC site has not been completed. The listed channels in the OKC part of the DPS trunk page lists about 10 or so voice channels but as I am looking at the OKC site activity now there are only the original five (well used-minus the backup CC that doesn't carry voice activity very often anyway) voice channels. There will have to be a significant amount of effort to reband and install the extra equipment and I do not see this taking place prior to the year's end. Were talking about reprogramming about a thousand+ radios for the metro alone I bet. Then there is the intense amount of work that goes into the whole tower process. Then you figure timing the links, setting the audio levels, etc radio work.
The average quantity of traffic that you would want to carry on your system would be double your channel capacity of somewhat active TG's that are non-critical (just to give us a reference point). You consider I named about seven very active TG's already on DPS and that there are more somewhat TG's. Consider all of that and DPS OKC has their plate very full already.
With the patrol links...you could make those active because they are only interfacing currently active talkgroups. So, in effect they are not adding any traffic to the system. Now if there is a chase in the metro the OKC side can link the OHP TG to the say Hefner TG and away we go with a full two system link. That is generally only a temporary type of thing because OHP does not need to have Hefner's non-priority traffic coming over the Troop A Metro TG.