If the only thing you want to monitor is Police & Fire, then no; at least not presently. If you can be more specific about location and what you want to monitor, then more a accurate answer can be provided.
I’m in Folsom and would like to monitor Folsom Fire, Sac Metro Fire, Folsom, Rancho, CH police, Sacramento and El Sorado county Sheriff. Are they options one could program later themselves?
I'm in Fair Oaks, work in Folsom. Folsom Fire is dispatched on Sac Metro Fire. You'd want the A command & tac channels. The LE agencies in Sacramento are all on the same system. While there is a Folsom site, you'll also want to program the Simulcast sites so as to get all you want.
Because Sacramento (county) is now P25 and using a simulcast system, reception will likely not be good with most traditional scanners. Yeah I'm also using a PSR-500 & PSR-600 but some transmissions are garbled. To get reliable reception you need "an SDR dongle solution" or an Uniden SDS model radio.
El Dorado County sheriff is VHF conventional, meaning just about any radio will pick them up.
Are they options one could program later themselves?
I am looking at a Uniden SDS model. I currently have a Uniden analog scanner that I program with Freescan. The Assumption is that the Sacramento system went digital and I need a new scanner. My question is do I need to buy the add on options of DMR, NXDN and Provoice.
I am looking at a Uniden SDS model. I currently have a Uniden analog scanner that I program with Freescan. The Assumption is that the Sacramento system went digital and I need a new scanner. My question is do I need to buy the add on options of DMR, NXDN and Provoice.
I recommend the HP-2 or SDS-100 or SDS-200
You'll be able to listen to any of the public safety agencies you have listed as long as your listening spot has decent reception. No need to get extra premium features based on your list. It's something you can add on in the future if you really find a need.