hey guys,
i was sitting here with my friend chuck awhile back and during the conversation turned to people not yielding to emergency vehicles going to calls. then chuck goes you're lucky we're not in rhode island and i'm like what do you mean. then he tells me that news media in rhode island can equip their vehicles with and use red lights and sirens. please tell me he's busting my stones and he's lying about that. I have to tell you if that's the case whoever wrote that law up is off their friggin rocker. it's hard enough responding to calls and people not moving over for real emergency vehicles (cops, fire and ems). Add to that the guys responding in their personal vehicles going to the firehouse or the ambulance bay (they are going there but in my opinion not technically responding as they aren't running hot. Sure they may have a blue or green - does anyone even use green anymore- lights going but the can't speed, go thru lights, pass, etc - in my opinion as the lights are only for courtesy anyway they should just do away with them). Then even friggin funeral homes here in CT have lights - Swear to God hearses have purple lights - why do we need warning lights on hearses? I know they want people to give courtesy to the prossession, but correct me if i'm wrong but don't most cities give a police escort from the funeral home to the church and from the church to the cemetary? I'm sorry I just turned a simple question into a rant. It just bugs the hell out of my that we light up everything from street sweepers to tow trucks to hearses with the real emergency vehicles that should have lighting and audible warning devices on them just tossed into the fray. It just irks me. I don't have to deal with the crap anymore because I'm retired but alot of my friends and now members of my family are in or getting into the public safety field and I know how aggravated I used to get for people not moving over. ((((((((((whew!!! done. Rant over-LOL))))))))) So back to the question I probably made everyone forget with that rant - Does or can Rhode Island news media legally use red lights and siren to go to scenes or is Chuck just busting my chops? Thanks and sorry for the rant once again.
i was sitting here with my friend chuck awhile back and during the conversation turned to people not yielding to emergency vehicles going to calls. then chuck goes you're lucky we're not in rhode island and i'm like what do you mean. then he tells me that news media in rhode island can equip their vehicles with and use red lights and sirens. please tell me he's busting my stones and he's lying about that. I have to tell you if that's the case whoever wrote that law up is off their friggin rocker. it's hard enough responding to calls and people not moving over for real emergency vehicles (cops, fire and ems). Add to that the guys responding in their personal vehicles going to the firehouse or the ambulance bay (they are going there but in my opinion not technically responding as they aren't running hot. Sure they may have a blue or green - does anyone even use green anymore- lights going but the can't speed, go thru lights, pass, etc - in my opinion as the lights are only for courtesy anyway they should just do away with them). Then even friggin funeral homes here in CT have lights - Swear to God hearses have purple lights - why do we need warning lights on hearses? I know they want people to give courtesy to the prossession, but correct me if i'm wrong but don't most cities give a police escort from the funeral home to the church and from the church to the cemetary? I'm sorry I just turned a simple question into a rant. It just bugs the hell out of my that we light up everything from street sweepers to tow trucks to hearses with the real emergency vehicles that should have lighting and audible warning devices on them just tossed into the fray. It just irks me. I don't have to deal with the crap anymore because I'm retired but alot of my friends and now members of my family are in or getting into the public safety field and I know how aggravated I used to get for people not moving over. ((((((((((whew!!! done. Rant over-LOL))))))))) So back to the question I probably made everyone forget with that rant - Does or can Rhode Island news media legally use red lights and siren to go to scenes or is Chuck just busting my chops? Thanks and sorry for the rant once again.