I was wondering if its illegal to use a marine radio if your not on the water, say like talking to a boat on a handheld from a dock.
Ahh, bureaucracy at its finest!
Actually it is sanner-enthusiasts with too much time on their hands at their finest!
Too true!
DannB - in a real world application, you are quite right. I have used a handheld from the dock on several occasions. I don't think the FCC would spend the time or the money enforcing that. I was just saying that technically there is a legal/illegal differentiation between being in a vessel and being on the dock.
I have heard marine radios used by hunters in pa.
DannB don't blow a gasket i was just saying. they have done this for years.
As far as comms around cruise ships, a good many of them are using regular LMR frequencies, not marine freqs for their handhelds.
If the dock is of the floating variety, are you ashore or on the water?
Is the floating dock attached to the shore? There is the answer. I doubt that the FCC would even hear a handheld radio unless they were close aboard. Most people have the sense to avoid channel 16 to minimize the chance of a visit from Uncle Charlie.
You might be surprised at what the FCC can hear from it's remote DF sites