Thanks for your reply,another question. When I receive it should I hook it up and do the latest firmware update?
FIRST - pull the SD card from the radio and install all software on your PC -- particularly the device drivers -- after that is done, CAREFULLY and properly RELEASE the SD card from the PC and reinsert it into your powered down radio.
Next, start the EZ Scan software and do updates for the PC software and database/library second -
Once all that is done and the PC software seems to be working as expected, with the radio OFF, only then connect your radio to the PC via the USB cable - then wait.... listen for indications that the radio's SD card has been mounted (your PC may even open a folder showing the contents of the SD card). If you don't, you can easily corrupt the SD card.
At that point, have the PC application (EZ Scan) check for DSP update and apply it.
Then, check for a CPU update and apply it.
CRITICAL! Make sure you properly "release" the SD card/radio from the PC before removing the USB cable. Again, if you don't, you can easily corrupt the SD card.
This sounds like alot but it really isn't. Once you get the hand of it, you'll do it without even thinking about it.