Pretty much have my mind made up to get a WinRadio G305.
Just have to convince the wife now.
Have a JRC NRD 545 now, which I really like.
Anyone have one also, that they can compare the G305 to ?
Have the following questions:
a. I guess the first one should be for those having one now:
Like it ? Caveats ?
What don't you like ? etc. ?
b. Do you have the Professional Demod. with it ? Suggest getting ?
c. The lack apparently of two separate antenna inputs, one for the HF, and one for the vhf/uhf, really
is hard to fathom. I can convince myself to spend the $ for the receiver, but another $200 for their
"Combiner" really disturbs me.
What are you folks using, and how are you handling this "problem" ?
Just a bunch of antenna switches, or...?
d. Any problems using with a 64 Bit OS ? With Vista ?
e. Any problems, like I've read a little, with their virtual sound card and a 64 bit OS ?
BTW: where did you purchase it ? Any discounts avail., or suggestions as to where to get it,
where not to get it, etc. ?
Any thoughts in general on the G305 would be most appreciated.
Pretty much have my mind made up to get a WinRadio G305.
Just have to convince the wife now.
Have a JRC NRD 545 now, which I really like.
Anyone have one also, that they can compare the G305 to ?
Have the following questions:
a. I guess the first one should be for those having one now:
Like it ? Caveats ?
What don't you like ? etc. ?
b. Do you have the Professional Demod. with it ? Suggest getting ?
c. The lack apparently of two separate antenna inputs, one for the HF, and one for the vhf/uhf, really
is hard to fathom. I can convince myself to spend the $ for the receiver, but another $200 for their
"Combiner" really disturbs me.
What are you folks using, and how are you handling this "problem" ?
Just a bunch of antenna switches, or...?
d. Any problems using with a 64 Bit OS ? With Vista ?
e. Any problems, like I've read a little, with their virtual sound card and a 64 bit OS ?
BTW: where did you purchase it ? Any discounts avail., or suggestions as to where to get it,
where not to get it, etc. ?
Any thoughts in general on the G305 would be most appreciated.