Radio Codes + Responses

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Feb 22, 2007
I thought it might be interesting to be able to look at other cities radio codes. Here I'll list Arlington TX Police/Fire/EMS, feel free to add your cities codes. =] , I also thought it would be cool to add the responses. PLEASE ADD YOUR CITIES CODES and RESPONSES =]


EMS [ include but NOT limited to (breathing difficulty, chest pains, medical emergency, unknown medical emergency, fall, medical alarm, lock in, full arrest, respiratory arrest, choking, OB, injured person,etc.)
EMS= 1 engine OR 1 Quint whichever one is closer per AVL.
Full arrests almost always result in a 2 engine OR 1 engine + 1 quint response

FIRE [ include but NOT limited to ( house fire, commercial fire, structure fire, major accident, major accident confirmed injuries, major accident rollover, major accident auto-PED, major accident motorcycle, elevator rescue, investigation, assist PD)

OK, this is complicated:

Major Accident:
SMALL STREET= 1 engine, medic Priority 3 (P-3)
MAJOR STREET= 1 engine + quint OR 2 engines OR 2 quints , medic P-3
CONFIRMED INJURIES (doesnt matter wheter its on a big or small street) =1 engine + quint OR 2 engines OR 2 quints , medic P-2
AUTO-PED= 2 engines + 1 quint, battalion, medic P-1, 802 (EMS supervisor), and possibly , careflite
MAJOR ACCIDENT-ROLLOVER= 2 engines + 1 quint, battalion, medic P-1, 802 (EMS supervisor), and possibly , careflite

House fire:
1st alarm= 4 engines, quint, battalion
2nd alarm= (I think) +3 engines, quint, battalion , medic
3rd= mutual AID= fort worth


Arlington Fire Rescue:

Code 1= normal reponse (no lights no sirens)
Code 3= emergency response
Signal 19=dead person (almost always full arrests)
PAR=personal accountibilty report


Priority 1= life threathing (breathing difficulty, chest pains, full arrests, etc.)
Priority 2= urgent (still lights and sirens) [ examples: select major accidents, injured person, unknown medical emergencies,etc.]
Priority 3= non-emergency [ most major accidents, fall, etc]
Priority 4 & 5= transports

Station Codes:
01 Your Office 17 City Claim Agent
02 His Office 18 City Payroll
03 Dispatch Office 19 County Tax Office
04 Computer/Teletype 20 Lake Office
05 Records 21 City Vehicle Pound
06 Jail/Blocking 22 AMH Emergency Room
07 Complaint Desk 23 Car Wash
08 Basement Area 24 City Garage
09 Police Parking Lot 25 Sub-Station #1
10 Municipal Court 26 Arlington Stadium
11 Your Residence 27 ACH Emergency Room
12 Gas Pump 28 Crime Analysis
13 Radio Stop 29 Vadergriff Park
14 Detective Division 30 Civil Defense Office
15 City Manager's Office 31 Police Training Center
16 City Secretary

Disposition Codes:
1 Offense Report 5 Incident Report
2 Accident Report 6 Service Call
3 Arrest Report 7 Cancel Call
4 Continuation 8 No Contact

Signal Codes:
01 Abandoned Property 31 Fight
02 Abandoned Vehicle 32 Fire
03 Accident (minor/delayed) 33 Fireworks
04 Accident (major) 34 Injured Person/Hospital Report
05 Accident (hit & run) 35 Indecent Exposure/Other
06 Animal Ordinance Violation 36 Vacation Check
07 Assault 37 Investigation
08 Rape/Attempted Rape 38 Prisoner Transfer
09 Assist Motorist 39 Lost Child
10 Assist Officer 40 Lunch
11 Assist Traffic 41 Meet Complainant
12 Bomb Threat 42 Meet Other
13 Burglary Alarm 43 Missing Person
14 Burglary (residence) 44 Dead Animal
15 Burglary (commercial) 45 Open Door/Window
16 Burglary (vehicle) 46 Other
17 Burglary (in progress) 47 Parking Violation
18 Deceased Person 48 Person With Gun
19 Cutting 49 Vehicle Left
20 Demented 50 Vehicle Recovery
21 Coffee Break 51 Prowler
22 Disturbance 52 Radar
23 Disturbance (domestic) 53 Rest Room
24 Drag Racing/Speeding 54 Robbery
25 Drowning 55 School Crossing
26 Drugs/Narcotics 56 Shooting
27 Drunk 57 Special Assignment
28 Warrant Service 58 Suspicious Person
29 Write Reports 59 Theft
30 Escort 60 Vandalism
(thanks to for the police codes)


Premium Subscriber
Apr 26, 2006
Bryan, Texas
OOOKAYYYY....This one is kinda long, but here it goes:

Houston Fire Department Codes/Terminology:

PAGER 111: Rescue Incident
PAGER 211+: Multi-Alarm Incidents
PAGER 4xx: Request for maintenance
PAGER 500: Radio Maintenance
PAGER 549: HAZMAT Incident
PAGER 710: Request for EMS Supervisor
PAGER 713: Mass Casualty Incident (Now means something else)
PAGER 746: Request for Arson Investigator
PAGER 800: Requeat for Rehab Unit
PAGER 900: Airport Incident
ACLS: Advanced Cardiac Life Support
AIQ: Available in Quarters
ALS: Advanced Life Support
AMA: Against Medical Advise
AOR: Available On Radio
AOT: Available Out of Territory
BLS: Basic Life Support
BOX: Structure Fire
CODE: Cardiac Arrest
CVA: Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke)
D5W: 5% Dextrose Solution in Water
ETOH: Intoxication
FAST ATTACK: Arriving apparatus on scene of a fire uses own water supply.
GCS: Glasgow Coma Index
GSW: Gun Shot Wound
HEAVY BOX: Major Structure Fire
LEVEL 1 STAGE: Arriving units to a fire stage by hydrants.
LEVEL 2 STAGE: Arriving units remain offscene.
LOC: Loss of Conciousness
MEDIC: Ambulance staffed with paramedics (as opposed to EMTs).
MI: Myrocardial Infraction (Heart Attack w/ permanent damage)
PALS: Pedatric Advanced Life Support
PLAN A: Cardiac Arrest not resulting from trauma
TAPS: Additional Engine Companies Requested
TAP OUT: Fire out; Situation Under Control
V-FIB: Ventricular Fibrillation (Severe, Abnormal Heart Rhythm)
V-TACH: Ventricular Tachycardia (Rapid, Short-Termed Heart Rythm)
10-50: Death/Fatality


Premium Subscriber
Apr 26, 2006
Bryan, Texas
Another One...

Houston Police Terminology

ADW: Assault with a Deadly Weapon
ATL: Attempt To Locate
BAC: Blood-Alcohol Content
BMV: Burglary of a Motor Vehicle
BOLO: Be On the Look Out
CAD: Computer-Aided Dispatch
CCH: Computerized Criminal History
CODE 3: Non-Emergency Response
CP: Complaining Party/Command Post
CTW: Criminal Trespass Warning
DWLI: Driving While Liscense Invalid
DWLS: Driving While License Suspended
FSGI: Failure to Stop and Give Information (aka Hit-and-Run)
FSRA: Failure to Stop and Render Aid
IPC: Inmate Processing Center
PRIORITY 1: Urgent/Threat To Life
PRIORITY 2: Crime/Threat To Human Welfare In Progress
PRIORITY 3: No Known Emergency Exists, But handle Expediantly
PRIORITY 4: Requires On-Scene Response, But No ETA Necessary
PRIORITY 5: Call Handled By Call-Taker
PRIORITY 6: Officer-Initiated Call
POV: Privately-Owned Vehicle
SHOP: City-Owned (Fleet) Vehicle
SOLO: Motorcycle Unit
STEP: Selective Traffic Enforcement Program
TAKE 8: Go to HPD Channel 8 (Car-To-car)
TLETS: Texas Law Enforcement Telecommunications System
UCW: Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon
X2: Officer Spouse/Residence

Unit Designators:

Y: Special Ops Patrol Units (Downtown/Parks)
3: Special Events Detail Units
8: Narcotics Units
9xxS: SWAT Units
14: Homicide Units
16: Robbery Units
17: Warrants/Major Offenders Units
23: VICE Units
36: City Wreckers
40: VIP Protection Units
50Z: DWI Task Force Units
60T: Traffic Enforcement Units
70Z: Accident Investigators
73K: Canine Units
86M: City Marshals (Munincipal)
91M: City Marshals
96Z: DWI Task Force Units


Nov 8, 2007
Tulsa 10 codes and Unit Designators--

Greetings all!!!
I love this site!! So much information!!!WOW!!!

Tulsa 10 codes

10-1 Receiving poorly
10-2 Receiving well
10-3 Stop transmitting
10-5 Relay
10-6 Busy
10-7 Out of service
10-8 In service
10-9 Repeat
10-10 Out of service - subject to call
10-11 Dispatching to rapidly
10-12 Officials or visitors present
10-13 Advise weather and road conditions
10-14 Convoy or escort
10-15 Prisoner in custody
10-16 Pick up prisoner at _______
10-17 Pick up papers at _______
10-18 Complete present assignment quickly as possible
10-19 Return to your station
10-20 What is your location ?
10-21 Call by telephone, number _______
10-22 Take no further action
10-23 Officer in trouble, location _______
10-24 Trouble at station, units in vicinity report at once
10-25 Do you wish to have contact with _______
10-26 Motorist assist, location _______
10-27 Any answer our message _______
10-28 Check full registration information
10-29 Check for stolen or wanted
10-30 Does not conform to rules and regulations
10-31 Breathalyzer operator report to _______
10-32 Is breathalyzer available ?
10-33 Emergency traffic
10-35 Confidential information
10-36 Correct time ?
10-37 Operator on duty
10-39 Your message delivered
10-40 Advise if officer _______ available for radio call
10-41 Traffic record summary
10-42 Complete driver license record
10-43 Driver license status
10-44 Check for record wanted / with _______
10-45 Meet for coffee
10-46 Meet for vehicle or D.L. check
10-47 Subject in question possibly armed and dangerous or wanted
10-48 NCIC hit, is it safe to copy information ?
10-49 10-28 with amount of registration and weight paid
10-50 No calls
10-51 Pick up partner for road block assignment at _______
10-52 Set up road block at _______
10-53 Discontinue road block, authority _______
10-54 Estimated time of arrival
10-63 Radio net directed to _______
10-64 Radio net free
10-69 Have you dispatched to _______
10-70 Stopping vehicle, may be dangerous, location _______
vehicle description and license information
10-71 Officer is clear from 10-70
10-72 Information incomplete - no action will be taken until
further information is furnished
10-73 Information is not in proper form - rewrite information
and retransmit
10-74 Possible drug interdiction, stop being made at _______
10-75 Drug interdiction arrest made - request supervisor
10-82 Reserve room at motel for officer _______ at _______ for _______
10-84 Report to _______ for information
10-85 Keep vehicle under surveillance, DO NOT STOP
10-86 Pick up your partner
10-87 Aircraft assignment, location and time
10-88 Advise phone number for station to station call to officer _______
10-90 Officer welfare contact
10-91 Response to 10-90 by non-sworn personnel
10-97 Arrived at scene
10-98 Last assignment completed

Tulsa Police Unit Designators

Tulsa Police Unit Designators--

The Uniform Division North (UDN) includes the oldest section of Tulsa including the downtown business district.

UDN Patrol Units

Adam: North Tulsa
Baker: Downtown Tulsa
Charlie: 11th street to Dawson Rd
David: Lewis to Sheridan
Union: UDN Traffic units

UDN Patrol Time (Squad meeting is 15 Min before time listed below)
Day: 0630-1630HRS
Evening: 1600-0200HRS
Night: 2130-0730HRS

The Uniform Division East (UDE) includes the northeastern section of the city and patrols the most heavily populated and traveled section of the city. UDE contains the busiest retail and entertainment corridor in Tulsa on 71st Street east of Memorial.

UDE Patrol Units

Edward: North of 21st S and S of 46SN from Sheridan to 129EA
Frank: South of 21 to 51, East of Sheridan and West of Garnett
George: Admrial to 51, Garnett to 273EA
Henry: S of 51 to 101, East of Sheridan and West of Garnett
Victor: UDE traffic units

UDE Patrol times (squad meeting is 15 Min before times listed below)
Day: 0700-1500
Evening: 1600-0200
Night: 2130-0730

The Uniform Division Southwest (UDSW) covers a majority of south Tulsa and the area west of the Arkansas River.

USSW Patrol units

Ida: W of Harvard to Sheridan, 121St to 41
John: S of 11st to 41st, Lewis to sherdian
King: N of 81 S of 41st, Riverside to Harvard
Lincoln: West of River
Zebra: UDSW Traffic units

UDSW Patrol times (squad meeting is 15 min before time listed below)
Day: 0730-1530
Evening: 1630-0230
Night: 2130-0730

K9: Canine Units
Paul: CSI units
Robert: Range
Tom: Training
X-Ray: Motorcycle Units
Tulsa 911 Center Employees work 8 hour shifts.

Happy scanning !!!


Silent Key
Feb 20, 2003
Hudson Valley, NY
Not to throw a wet blanket on the party here...

echo4929 said:
(thanks to for the police codes)
The accruacy of the site referenced above is questionable. I visited my state's page and found 10-codes listed for departments that don't even exist anymore.

As an aside...would it not make more sense to post stuff like this in the respective state forums, so that people in (or visiting) the area looking for material cut and paste from somewhere else on the 'net can find it easier then having to weed through a general forum such as this one? So far we have two states represented...imagine how unmanageable this thread would get if more (forget all fifty) states are piled on?

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 28, 2009
Palm Desert, CA
Orange County California ambulance

Thought I'd add a few to your list. I'm not pulling from a DB so this isn't meant to be complete... just what I recall from working as an EMT for a private ambulance company. We had 911 with FD contracts as well as private contracts. These are from about 12 years ago when cell-phones were not in everyones pocket like they are today - so we had a few "unofficial codes" which were commonly used which you'll prob find more interesting than the old standards.

10-1 unreadable
10-2 clear
10-4 affirm/copy
10-6 busy (usually in ref to traffic congestion)
10-7 out of service
10-8 available/go available for a call
10-9 repeat
10-16 family/public on-board
10-19 report to station __
10-20 location
10-21 phone
10-22 cancel
10-39 message delivered to receiving facility
10-97 on-scene
10-98 completed
10-100 pee
10-200 #2 (ie if the pt is 10-200 watch where you put your hands)

902(h) en route to hospital w/ patient
902(r) en route to residence w/ patient
914(c) coroners case/patient deceased
914(s) suicide

Code 1 Inter-facility transfer
Code 2 (private or with county fire) emergency (no lights/siren)
Code 3 lights/siren
Code 6 off-loading patient/arr dest
Code 7 meal break - subject to calls
Code 44 bring (dispatcher) a big gulp (as in 44 ouncer - no I'm not kidding)

Code Yellow (see 10-100)
Code Brown (see 10-200)

PMA Paramedic Aboard
MGM patient is exaggerating/faking (ie MetroGoldwynMayer)
ORCO Orange County Fire Authority
IMC Irvine Medical Center
WestMed Western Medical Center
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