AR8000 Radio manager by Ben Saladino

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Oct 8, 2020

just writing to ask if anyone has a copy of the above software. I remember using it years ago with my AOR 8000 and it was very good. Unfortunately I cant find my copy as its been a good while since I`ve used it and I think it may only work up to Win 7. I`ve recently dug out my old 8K but only have a couple of old demo progs to use with an old win XP laptop I`ve sourced. I managed to contact Ben but he no longer has any copies of the software or licences as i was willing to purchase a copy. If anyone has a copy with a reg code they no longer use I would like buy it from you. Any other suggestions for 8K software welcome. Cheers


Oct 8, 2020

You might be interested to watch a video I made ...

Thanks for the link. I`m lucky in as far as I own a JAV232 interface which works fine but needs a serial port or USB to serial adaptor. I now have an win Xp laptop with a built in serial port and its communicated with my 8K so I know everything is working after its long layoff.
Its finding some software that seems to be the problem at the moment. I have a couple of demo progs that dont support upload to the radio unfortunately. I have read that ARC 8000 was also a good prog, I contacted Butel to see if they had any old copies but Gommert says its no longer available so if anyone has a copy they no longer use please let me know. Also any links or ideas for other 8K software. Thanks


Mutated Member
Premium Subscriber
Jun 27, 2002
You can get the unregistered version of Radio Manager 4.02 from the link below.
There may be a nag screen or time limit for the program until it is registered.

AOR AR8000 may be informative. At the bottom of the page is a reference to a program for the AR8000 by Javiation. Don't know if can still be purchased. There are links to other programs too but they may be obsolete.


Oct 8, 2020
You can get the unregistered version of Radio Manager 4.02 from the link below.
There may be a nag screen or time limit for the program until it is registered.

AOR AR8000 may be informative. At the bottom of the page is a reference to a program for the AR8000 by Javiation. Don't know if can still be purchased. There are links to other programs too but they may be obsolete.
Thats a great link Thanks Don`t think javiation still supply the prog or the 232 interface. Big thanks again for the link - I searched everywhere but couldn`t find any source of the Radio manager prog. All the best
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