(Laughs)-- Yes, is poor Beingstalked having the last giggle ? I am not so sure- Why, look at this party he just created.
This reminds me of a wedding I went years ago.
I was living outside Washington DC at the time and a good friend was getting married. The ceremony was to be in southern Virginia. A whole circle of her invited girl friends all decide to car caravan together down for the ceremony.
Now this was July,-- the scene-- the Mid-Atlantic states; the day: hotter than blue blazes! the cast; all decked out in our fancy dresses, trekking out together, in caravan style, south down US 301...
Oh, and thank God for air conditioning ! --- that is, until everything ground to a mammoth traffic-jam halt. The Potomac River bridge was being painted.... and within moments all traffic was at a stand still.
We had to shut down the engines least they over heat (it must have been like 98 degrees in the noon day sun.) We recieved assurances from the bridge work crew that the traffic would be moving shortly...
But then....15 minutes passed, then a half an hour.... by now the sweat running down every female's face was turning our makeup into street puddles of Calcutta.
" Ha ! Lauri, you look like a pathetic clown !"
Our water bottles and soda supplies -gone dry....45 minutes.... an hour.... ...the wedding would soon begin. Meanwhile, there we sat-- baking and sweating like pigs on the simmering asphalt of 301.
Then at last we were moving.... arriving at the church just in time, we saw the Happy Couple about to depart on their honeymoon. Meanwhile all the other guests were rapidly departing..... every one was going off to the reception ? Oh, now our jolly little caravan of cosmetic streaked harlequins could certainly use a stiff drink !
What ?! no reception ?!.....................
"There is a bowl of punch in the church basement...help yourselves" said the 'Happy Couple" as they drove off.
...................warm, non alcoholic Kool Aid in the sweltering basement of a little country church.
" (Unprintable !!")
"Okay guys, what do we want to do now ??" I asked, as we shuck'd heels and now-sweat drenched, ruined dresses - for the jeans and "T's" we brought along.
Well, when handed a basket of lemons you make lemonade !.... You
** Party !!**
We went into towne- to a swanky colonial taven--- we took over their pub section and proceed'd to cool off with frosty mugs of adult beverages.
Oh, and did toast that Happy Couple ? ---- to be certain! we"toast'd" them...indeed, we certainly did...... !
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