I have had my Radio Shack Pro-94 for several years. It is a handheld, supposedly "Trunking" Scanner. Our County Sheriff and Central dispatch has a trunking system on the 400mhz band (453.712 is main channel with repeater). I have programmed in several other frequencies in their trunking bank, but it never seems to work right. It doesn't follow any conversations. I hear a bunch of squeaking noises like someone keys a mike which picks up the repeater and that holds their repeater channel open for a couple of seconds and then it unkeys. I don't hear conversation most of the time. The only time I hear conversation is when the central dispatch makes a call. I don't hear much incoming calls. Can you tell me how to program this scanner to do the trunking like it is supposed to do? It won't even monitor the big city a few miles from my home which is on an 800mhz trunking system. It does the same thing--I hear a lot of mike keying up noise and very little conversation--my scanner doesn't seem to follow the conversation like it is supposed to. I have taken it to Radio Shack and e-mailed Radio Shack support. Radio Shack Support said to take it in to Radio Shack, which I did and they told me they didn't have the equipment to program it. I have a useless piece of junk that was pricey at the time I bought it. Please help