I think it is a matter of finding someone who knows what they are doing. Here is some information posted by n5ims in a previous thread which may be helpful.
Best results for your repair would be to have the manager at a company owned store handle your request for you. They should know how to bring up the correct screen and fill in the necessary information for you. Franchise stores may or may not be able to assist you (often they don't know how to bring up the correct screen and possibly may not have it on their systems). Store employees also aren't necessarily trained on how to bring up the required screen, how to fill it in, or know the procedure to handle a non-warranty repair (they should know to get the manager, but at times don't).
Generally the process is to enter the necessary information on the repair screen, pay a small fee (a deposit that generally goes to the repair cost if you opt to actually repair the item), and ship the item off to the repair facility. That facility will evaluate the item and provide the cost of repair (they generally do board level repairs, not component level repairs so the cost is for a replacement board, not the cost of the failed component). If you OK the repair cost they repair the item and ship it back to the store where you pick up and pay for the repaired item. If you don't OK the repair, your deposit goes to shipping and diagnosis costs.