This is interesting:
Motorola trunking systems (using the legacy Smartnet 3600 baud control channel) that use some, or all frequencies in the range of 866-869 MHz will cause problems for ALL scanners after the systems are rebanded because of changes that Motorola will make to the trunking channel plan that is *hard coded* into our scanners.
*We believe that the PRO-96, 20-526, and PRO-2096, 20-496, can be adapted to the new trunking channel plan because there are provisions in those models to manually edit the Motorola trunking channel plans using Win96 software (*
The edited plans will override the plans that are hard-coded into firmware and we believe that these radios will function just fine on Motorola systems once the custom channel plan is programmed into the bank. We are still fairly confident that this will work, but no one – no scanner manufacturer - will know with certainty until the first Motorola 866-869 MHz system is rebanded and this can be tried in the field.
*For ALL other (non-digital) RadioShack scanners (i.e., PRO-91/92/93/94/95, PRO-2052, etc.) the radios will not scan to the correct channel when the system assigns a call to a channel that was previously on a frequency between 866-869 MHz and was retuned to a new, rebanded frequency 15 MHz lower between 851-854 MHz.*
RadioShack is ready to release to new Uniden OEM's I'm thinking this could be an issue because they look to be analog trunking: