Radio stores? Mississauga.

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Premium Subscriber
Oct 18, 2011
Southeast NH, USA
The options are almost endless, RadioShack, ScannerMaster, Amazon, and tons of other online stores, not to mention Ebay.


Dec 19, 2002
The closest retail store would be Radioworld at Steeles and the 400.

The Source sells a couple of Uniden scanners on-line. You can pay to have it shipped to your home or pick it up free of charge at a local The Source store.


Mar 3, 2007
sarnia ont
one place i suggest to stay away from is uniden directly their C.S and shipping sucks but if you can find a uniden scanner for a good price through ebay or other stores go for it:)


20 + year membership
Oct 29, 2002
Downtown Hamilton
Where do you buy your scanners from? I want to scan the Mississauga Peel/city of mississauga Peel Region Trunking System, Peel, Ontario - Scanner Frequencies

Any suggestions on scanner and where to buy one?

Lakeshore communications in the 427 Dixon area has scanners but they are aimed at the "chase after accidents because we get to charge you and arm and a leg to get your call off the live lanes" err tow operators. They have a few scanners there but are pricey. The last time I was there they did say that they would provide warranties and save the buyer from having to deal with Uniden (Bad experience w/ customer service).

I have bought a few scanners from RadioWorld.They are a bit pricey but at least you dont have to wonder when and where the scanner you bought from an American store is and how much GST/HST you will have to pay or if you get dinged with brokerage fees.

There is a member of this site in the GTA whom I would absolutely recommend, he can either shoot you a PM or make his presence known if he wants to.


20 + year membership
Oct 29, 2002
Downtown Hamilton
As for a scanner, if you have patience and are willing to learn you can get one of the newer Uniden scanners like the 396XT or 996XT. They work best with software that you can buy (ARC) and/or get free somewhere.

GRE and Radio Shack have scanners as well, I am not a fan of them myself.

Uniden has a pretty easy to use scanner called the Home Patrol that basically has all of North America for you to choose to scan and GRE andthe shack have a similiar type of scanner. All of these use this sites DB, basically you can type in your postal code, set a range and instantly have pretty much everything in seconds ready to scan.

There are also plenty of members here who sell scanners all the time and could help you out by programming or making suggestions.

My only suggestion is, get a scanner that handles digital P25 communications. Peel's system is very busy and still analog (and fun to listen to, they dont hold back much and are very talkative) but they are supposed to be migrating to a new P25 system soon that has a good chance of not being scannable.

Hamilton and Halton have gone P25 and just about all comms if not all on Hamilton are encrypted. Halton's fire departments are still in the clear but police arent.

The OPP patrols are fun to scan and still in the clear, the MOH and road crews for the MTO are analog.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 27, 2009
Richmond Hill, ON
Where do you buy your scanners from? I want to scan the Mississauga Peel/city of mississauga Peel Region Trunking System, Peel, Ontario - Scanner Frequencies

Any suggestions on scanner and where to buy one?

Be aware that Peel is switching to a new P25 system — Peel Region (Project 25) Trunking System, Peel Region, Ontario - Scanner Frequencies — that you may not be monitor in the future because it is likely to include encryption for police (almost certainly) and fire (maybe). Despite that, other agencies using the new system may remain in the clear for you to enjoy. As the system is still in its infancy, there isn't much detail in the database yet.


Jun 19, 2009
I'm only interested in listening to City of Mississauga talkgroup. Since they are switching soon, would it be a good idea to just wait a bit? or would it be far enough down the road?

Thanks for the replies.


Forums Manager/Global DB Admin
Staff member
Forums Manager
Jun 26, 2001
Oot and Aboot
I think at is point people can only guess at what will happen with the new system.


Dec 19, 2002
You may pay a few dollars more for a scanner at Lakeshore Communications at 30 Meteor Dr (off Carlingview) but they can do a very nice install at reasonable prices. So if you want it mounted in or on your dash and a fender antenna, you can't get that at Radio World.

They did my last van and are doing my new van as we speak.

Great customer service.

The biggest problem is most beginners can find a cheap Uniden on Ebay but have no clue how to program one.


20 + year membership
Oct 29, 2002
Downtown Hamilton
I think at is point people can only guess at what will happen with the new system.

as Steve said above there isnt anyone on here willing to share when Peel shifts to its new system. I plan to bring my scanner to work and let it run all day for a few days on the new system and see if it is active at all.

Right now Peel's system is active, very busy and entertaining. I find that Peel Police are very candid about what they say, you will have a good deal of time to listen to whats going on here.

Even if Peel's new system is totally encrypted you still have EMS, OPP, MTO and MTO enforcement on Fleetnet, you wont be starved for action. You have tons of listening all over the GTA.

As others have mentioned, you can get a good deal of Ebay or like Kirk suggested pm Torontokris. He will offer you a good price, even program or maybe show you how to program.

He let me borrow one of his scanners once and he spent an hour with me teaching me how to use the GRE scanner.

You cant beat his service.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 25, 2005
Ontario, Canada
If i may chime in on this, PRP isn't close to being ready for the switch over i have seen still a fair bit of officers with old MTX handhelds being used. Unless they go and buy a bulk amount of radios it still maybe a year to 2 years. As for Fire on Peel they will be P25 but not encrypted same as the Halton system but of course that could change in time.. Once digital they can flick a switch and we are all bye bye.... Like Steve pointed out on another thread, more then likely they will start patching things from Analog to Digital to get the ball rolling. But currently PRP hasn't been very aggressive on replacing radios yet but that could change once the infrastructure is up and good to go... Best bet buy a digital radio so you can get the P25 at least and you can hear OPP and other services...
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