Like the other posts on this question and its pretty much the same for fire but Law Enforcement can vary due to popular recreation areas or none at all also during some clandestine cartel pot grow raids in this area i never heard anything on NF freqs one that took place was on Calif CLEMARS VHF freq and it was joint covert comms with multiple agencies involved in raid this took place in HTF (Alpine Co,Ca). Most i hear just south of Carson City,Nv is Fire/Law Enforcement traffic. LTBMU Nets (Lake Tahoe) and Fire is most times mutual aid in the basin with Tahoe Douglas FPD(Douglas Co,Nv), Meeks Bay FPD(El Dorado Co,Ca), Lake Valley FPD(Cal-Fire AEU based at LVFPD Stn 5)El Dorado Co,Ca, North Tahoe FPD (Placer Co,Ca), North Lake Tahoe FPD(Washoe Co,Nv) in the Basin. TNF (Tahoe NF) during summer is very active Law Enforcement Traffic via UHF link on Mt Rose most of traffic at Bullards Bar Dam area in (Yuba Co,Ca), Fire traffic is the same as any NF's i listen to. ENF(Eldorado NF) Nets that Hawkins Pk is one rptr i hear has almost zero traffic on it, service net i hear radio checks and nothing else. HTF Carson RD (Humboldt Toyabe NF) i hear during summer months weather,fire disp, during thunder storms there are many fire units in mobile's watching lighting activity on simplex, HTF Bridgeport RD same thing, many weather or fire dispatch happens on NDF,BLM and HTF simulcast from minden disp. Unless its during HIGH FIRE DANGER its pretty boring general forest management.