Railroad Monitoring with an Icom IC-F3261DT vs Uniden BCD396T

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Mar 12, 2005
Pottstown, Pennsylvannia
I have recently purchased an Icom F3261DT with 4.6.6 RR firmware on eBay.
I also purchased the correct Programming Software, CS3260/5060D RR v4.6.6, the OPC-1862 cloning cable and the FA-SC63V Hi-Gain railroad band antenna.

After a pretty steep learning curve with the software, I have the radio pretty well setup to monitor the local railroads, eastern Pennsylvania mostly.
As I plan future train watching adventures, I will add the local railroads, for the locations.

On this radio, I have everything set to TX INHIBIT.

I am still not totally certain of the SCANing abilities as this is something I am still learning. Software documentation is sadly lacking.

Anyway I used to use the BCD396T to listen to the railroads and also the Montgomery County trunked radio system, before they went to APCO 25 Phase II.

I was never really happy with the BCD396T for listening to the railroads, it never seemed to be able to pickup distant transmissions. Nearby railroad employee's radios were always receiving transmissions so much better. I got a magnetic mount VHF-High band 5/8-wave antenna tuned to the railroad band and that improved things pretty well while in the truck.

I am having two major issues with the BCD396T. One with the radio on AAR 050, 160.860MHZ, which is NS Road Channel 3 in my area, sometimes the radio will break the squelch and just produce static, sometimes for hours, if I raise the squelch enough to cut off the noise then I cannot pick up any transmissions. Also if I am close to a transmitter, say a defect detector, the audio gets quiet and it sounds like being in a tunnel. I am assuming the first issue is a Selectivity issue and the second issue is an signal overloading issue. These are much worse with the external antenna.

Is this normal for a BCD396T, or is it in need of repairs?

With the Icom setup as above, I have been picking up transmissions from much further away, even better than the BCD396T with the external antenna. Also the Icom does not exhibit either of the problems as described above.

These two radios were compared side-by-side at several real-world locations, at my favorite place, "Trackside"!

The Uniden has many features that the Icom does not, such as "Close-Call", which is very useful, ability to program on the fly, which is nice sometimes, more memory channels etc. etc.

But for me, I think the Icom wins hands down.

Just my 2 cents worth.



trying to retire...
Premium Subscriber
Mar 15, 2004
Parker Co., TX
A commercial grade rig will beat a consumer grade scanner 90% of the time! Usually the commercial rig won’t have the scan speed...or as you said close call! Just the reality of good quality pro device over a consumer device!


Feed Provider
Sep 26, 2020
My Uniden Bcd325p2 is the same boat as well. Even Conductors on the train would receive way more than I do. Then I've acquired an Yaesu FT-60R handheld with an Laird EXH-160-SMV antenna and the difference is night versus day.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
May 20, 2003
If you have the v4.6.6 RR firmware and clone SW, you can program the Icom on the fly with any AAR channels from 007-097, 107-197, and 307-497 by just entering the channel pair on the pad. Example, if I wanted AAR008, I simply enter “008008”. You need to turn on AAR entry in the clone SW for that radios ICF.
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