Anyone have any idea where railroad police operate in Oklahoma? I haven't seen any talkgroups on the OKWIN system so I am curious if anyone has heard them on conventional frequencies somewhere, specifically in the Tulsa and OKC areas.
I have not heard anything that sounds like law enforcement traffic on the rail frequencies before. I've mostly only heard railyard operations and trains..
Generally, most railroad police operate using PoC for normal communications, though they often also use encrypted NXDN or P25 on AAR channels for local/tactical comms, and as @iMONITOR points out some limited trunked TGs are used in certain areas.
Generally, most railroad police operate using PoC for normal communications, though they often also use encrypted NXDN or P25 on AAR channels for local/tactical comms, and as @iMONITOR points out some limited trunked TGs are used in certain areas.