My feed is crisp and clear. However you will always find someone who attempted and failed, possibly out of impatience, and went to another type and will not agree. There so cheap, might as well order a couple.
Good luck and let us know once you get your raspfeed going.
Edit - I did find out I had to use a stereo cable on mine to get good audio. Opposed to a mono cable.
The Raspberry Pi application he is currently working on is the one I am interested in. It is a way to control audio from many different scanners. Kind of like an audio mixer or the older NCS3230 Multi Rx box
Yup, I am using 3 Griffin I-Mics, through a D-Link DUB-H4 four port USB hub into my Raspberry PI, 3 simultaneous Darkice live feeds at once, works great!
I'm using a cheap sound card to run a darkice feed and the analog audio is good but the digital scanner audio sounds horrible. I hope this will fix the issue.