I tried that website... can't find them... can you post them here? also can you send the 'old' ten codes for the RCMP? I think thats what the Woodstock PD use... The list you last sent me is not what they use.
For RCMP try 155.58 or 155.91 (taken from the website listed above).
Can't help for Ambulance NB though I'm afraid, I don't know any of their frequencies.
Woodstock is not police by the RCMP but by their own police force on 155.97000 with a tone of 107.2. As for Ambulance New Beunswick in the Woodstock area, they use 150.65000. Be advise that 150.65 is the frequency for the Saint John, Woodstock, Campbellton/Dalhousie area.