This issue occurred right with the Waterfall FW update. The SDS 200 would stop and display a TG but sometimes it had audio other times it didn't. I assumed the FW was the problem and that it had to do with Encryption detection. I formatted the original Micro SD card and it improved and didn't do it as often. Bought a new 32 GB Micro SD card and removed the old original card. Works so much better now, I checked the original card that shipped with the scanner back when the SDS 200 first shipped and it was a 1 GB card. My other SDS 200 wasn't having any issues, I checked it has a 8 GB Micro SD Card. Have no idea why that one scanner had shipped with such a small card installed. Note: I never bothered looking at the size of the card as it was original to the scanner. I started looking at maybe being an SD Card issue because my 128 GB Micro SD card in my Note 20 stopped working. Still waiting for the 1TB Micro SD card to arrive to replace that one.