Not encrypted, just rarely used these days. We use the Training channels once in a blue moon, and the former Dispatch channel is now just for Alerting.
Redwood, along with many other fire departments in the area, are using shared Regional channels now. Some but not all of them are in the DB (incorrectly listed as Rocky View channels):
1393 | 571 | D | Reg FD Disp W | Regional Dispatch West | Fire Dispatch |
1394 | 572 | D | Reg FD Disp E | Regional Dispatch East | Fire Dispatch |
6382 | 18ee | D | FD TAC 1 | Fire TAC 1 | Fire-Tac |
6383 | 18ef | D | FD TAC 2 | Fire TAC 2 | Fire-Tac |
6388 | 18f4 | D | FD TAC 7 | Fire TAC 7 | Fire-Tac |