For the NXR-x00 repeaters:
10) FAN
This is a cooling fan that discharges the heat in the
repeater generated due to transmission. This fan
starts rotating when the repeater is turned ON. The
fan will stop rotating when the temperature sensor
senses a temperature lower than the reference
There is a high temp sensor on the finals board that will throttle back power when the board temperature reaches 83ºc or higher.
I looked up the specs on the temperature switch IC, and it's programmable from -40 to 100ºc.
Looking at KPG-109 for the NX-x00's, there is no field for changing the setting.
In the service software, there is a field where you can set it to room temperature as a way of calibrating it.
Nothing I could find in the service manual, function reference, customer support information, field programming reference, or the system programming reference, showed that it was adjustable.
Probably it's set by the firmware. In other words, Kenwood doesn't feel that it's something that should be messed with.