Hello all,
The "Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2011" (H.R. 3630) is being voted on today (December 13th). Despite its name, this act features a number of spectrum management proposals, one of which requires public safety licensees to "give back" the narrowband portion of 700 MHz for auction. These narrowband channels are where new radio systems are currently being built-out today. A potential "give back" at this point may displace critical (and expensive) operations and offer no place else to go.
I've been asked to help cast a broad net to get as much information as possible. I couldn't think of a better place to start than with the people who listen in every day. If you are an "agency", please complete the survey below and submit it. If you monitor a 700 MHz user, please PM me with any relevant information and I'll get it to the people collecting the information. The goal is to get a nationwide valuation of 700 MHz assets that are in use.
No political commentary or editorials, please. Just who's using 700 and where.
Thank you!
The "Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2011" (H.R. 3630) is being voted on today (December 13th). Despite its name, this act features a number of spectrum management proposals, one of which requires public safety licensees to "give back" the narrowband portion of 700 MHz for auction. These narrowband channels are where new radio systems are currently being built-out today. A potential "give back" at this point may displace critical (and expensive) operations and offer no place else to go.
I've been asked to help cast a broad net to get as much information as possible. I couldn't think of a better place to start than with the people who listen in every day. If you are an "agency", please complete the survey below and submit it. If you monitor a 700 MHz user, please PM me with any relevant information and I'll get it to the people collecting the information. The goal is to get a nationwide valuation of 700 MHz assets that are in use.
No political commentary or editorials, please. Just who's using 700 and where.
Thank you!
APCO and Public Safety Community need your help.
Speaker John Boehner has introduced a new legislation that includes the JOBS Act with the 700 MHz Narrowband giveback language.
This new legislation, known as the ‘‘Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2011’’ incorporates HR 3630. It is anticipated that the House will vote on this legislation this afternoon (12-13-2011).
We need your help to compile as much data on the use of 700 MHz Narrowband channels as possible. Below link will guide you to a short survey which attempts to gather such information. Please forward this survey to any Public Safety licensees that will be affected by such legislation.
The survey will be open until Friday December 16, 2011 for your responses.
Thank you all for your time