RG8U generally has a solid plastic center insulator while RG8 A/U generally has a foam type plastic center insulator. I say generally because some companies do not differentiate between them and lump them together and send out whatever they grab. The foam type is generally thought to have a slightly lower loss, but the difference isn't that much.
The more important thing to look for is the actual model number of the coax (for name brands like Belden). RG8 isn't really a single coax, but a general specification for a range of types. For example, Belden 8237 and Belden 9913 are both RG8U style coax, but have different loss numbers. LMR-400 is also an RG8 spec coax.
The spec is for the size of center conductor, size of center insulator, and total size of cable (over simplified, but you get the idea). The difference in models are due to the type of shield(s), type of center insulator, type of center conductor (mostly solid vs. stranded), and other factors that may give a certain model better or worse numbers than a similar looking, but different design model.