John S.(the retired director of MUFON) is a very good friend. I'm a skeptical observer. We at MUFON try to find the scientific answers and try to explain the phenomena.
I was a speaker at the 2003 Symposium in Detroit. and I've been a member since the early '70's. Even got a fancy title: Research Specialist for Media Operations.
But I still enjoy checking out cases. 95 to 98% are easily explained with proper investigation. It's that 2-5% that are true unknowns that I crave. The Air Force investigated over 12,000 reports during it's time (47-'69). They still have 701 on the record as "unknown". Private groups such as MUFON took over investigations from the USAF back then.
We get around a hundred cases a week reported to the National Reporting center. I'm still interested in this Tulsa case, sure there is probally nothing to it but without investigation it remains unclear.
fyi: I have 3 books out on the subject, and I lecture all over the country. I'll be the grand marshall in the parade in Roswell in July. If you have cable TV you can see me on the History Channel. I've done several shows for them, including "UFO Files: Cattle Mutilations" which was filmed in Stillwater last year. and I did "UFO Files: The Texas Roswell" I've also been on the old sci-fi channel series "In Search of..." That delt with UFO's and Human mutilations.
Enough of this, I have a day job, lol. Back to the dredges of Biomedical Engineering...
Jim H.