Rome/Floyd County TRS

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Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Auburn-Opelika, AL
Recent FCC filings indicate that Rome and Floyd County's move to 800 MHz will now occur in 2012. These filings also indicate that they will join with Dade, Catoosa, and Walker Counties and the Tennessee Valley Communications System.


Jan 9, 2004
Ringgold, Georgia
That's good news. Less $$ for Floyd to shell out. And with existing towers this will ensure a good digital footprint through NW Georgia into Cobb County/metro ATL. Last time I read Floyd County's RFP there were plans to add a fourth simulcast site and tower in northern Gordon County if TVRS was selected.


Sep 19, 2007
Rome. GA
I hope the Radio system will not be bogged down by politics and adding additional counties to cut down on the cost. Rome/Floyd County voted in 2009 a special purpose local option sales tax package of $26.7million for a state of the art digital system. It is set to come online just before the Jan 1, 2013 national narrow-band deadline which will make obsolete the 1950's vintage system now in use. We all know there will be cost associated with the system once online. For more see Rome News Tribune.


Feb 24, 2001
Rome Floyd System

I tend to disagree about this being "good news cost wise". I personally think Rome-Floyd County and many of the other agencies who are planning to switch to 700/800 MHz P25 Phase 1 Systems are making a huge mistake that will cost County taxpayers twice the amount of money and possibly more in the long run. I believe these agencies should bite the bullet and move forward with narrowbanding their existing VHF and UHF Systems while at the same time use this as justification to improve the portable coverage of these existing VHF Systems then wait to see what happens with P25 Phase 2 and LTE. One or more vendors have been telling city and county governments that narrowbanding is going to cost them the same or more than switching to 700/800 MHz P25 and we all know that is one huge lie. How can simply reprogramming a VHF or UHF radio that is already narrowband compliant or purchasing a new VHF or UHF radio that is narrowband compliant for $570 going to cost the same or more than an 700/800 MHz radio that costs between $1,800 and $4,000 depending on brand and features. We also know VHF and UHF narrowband system infrastructure doesn't cost as much as 700/800 MHz P25 infrastructure, so I don't know about you what these vendors are telling people simply doesn't add up. One of the arguements many of the agencies have stated for moving forward with 700/800 MHz P25 Phase 1 is they have been waiting for over 30 years to make changes in their radio systems to improve coverage. Well duh, why haven't they pushed to make these improvements in coverage before now? Well, my guess is it's because they have always made two-way radio communications an extremely low priority and putting the purchase of newer model weapons, new and additional cars, a SWAT Van, Traffic Accident Investigation Vehicle, portable message boards and other things ahead of their radios. Fast forward 30 years and now all of a sudden not having coverage on the radio system is a major crisis and the only answer is to move to 700/800 MHz P25, go figure...One of my concerns is if all of the P25 Phase 1 radios will be obsolete in four to five years and will have to be replaced. Motorola recently announced the end of lifecycle on the XTL and XTS series radios, so we know they are not going to support these much longer. My biggest concern is if an agency like Rome-Floyd County joins a P25 Phase 1 regional system what happens if the others users of the system decide one year from now they are going to sign on the dotted line to upgrade to Phase 2 in two more years. Will Rome-Floyd basically have to purchase Phase 2 radios when their Phase 1 radios are only three years old? Sounds like this could actually happen, you think?


EMS Dispatcher
Jul 8, 2002
Cobb County, GA
Page 31, not 30! :D Anyway, they way they are talking it sounds like it resembles what Cobb is using, as section 1 says "These can not be monitored at a dispatch or control point." I believe they are talking about iCall? Now, 2 and 3 could be meant to describe it as DES, or it could be misleading info that Motorola told them - digital transmissions.

Now on page 35, it sounds like they are throwing interoperability out the window - Section D states Dual Head Control Units 800/UHF, 800/VHF, UHF/VHF. Why two radio's if they are going to have interoperability with one system?

Page 40 does suck. Section N states AES/DES Coding. :(

Page 51 does make me laugh - Proposers shall indicate a GUARANTEED level of portable and mobile area coverage.... Guaranteed? Yes sir, that will cost you $1m more!

Page 53 & 54 shows that they have 8 sites available - will that be enough or will the vendor come back and say "Oh, to get the "guaranteed" coverage, you need an additional 8 more sites!"

Page 59 says "Once the TVRRS is connected to the Cobb County/UASI..." when is this going to happen?

Page 127 "It is the intent of FC to operate this new radio communications network for, minimally, the next 20 years." Umm, do they know that this technology will be outdated in 10 years?

On page 147 I do notice that only the FCPD SWAT, FCSO, RPD SWAT, Rome MTF,Redmond EMS SWAT (Huh?) and the DA's office are required for Encrypted radios. Hmm.

Can't wait to see the total $$$ amount on this one!


Feb 24, 2001
Floyd County Committee recommends Harris Corp.

I received a telephone call from a sales rep late this evening advising me the Floyd County Public Safety Communications Committee has recommended they purchase their 800 MHz P25 Radio System from Harris Corporation. Does anyone on RR have any additional info on this?


5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
the RFP called specifically for a P25 system, not BrokenSky. AFAIK, Newton is the only county who bought that turd of a system. I think Harris is smart enough not to push that "gem". You can't polish a turd!


Feb 24, 2001
OpenSky in GA

I think the Harris System purchased by Spalding County is a combination P25 and OpenSky System using P25 for voice and OpenSky for data.
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