Yaesu: RT-Systems / MacOS / FT-5DR


Jun 25, 2019
I recently purchased the RT-Systems (MacOS version) software for the Yaesu FT-5DR. Unfortunately there seems to be an issue where if I import repeaters via the RT-Systems software from RepeaterBook, all repeaters show up as FM only even if the query result from Repeater book shows them as DN or AMS. In short it appears that the RT-Systems software throws away this information.

Notable is that up to now I have used the RepeaterBook web site to create a CSV file which I was able to import into Yaesu's own software without any problem preserving information necessary to label a repeater as supporting the Yaesu digital mode.

My primary reason for looking to RT-Systems was ease of importing different cities and assigning to different channel banks. To accomplish this with Yaesu's software one has to merge CSV files via a spreadsheet, checking off banks as appropriate where ultimately one imports the composite CSV into the Yaesu software. It works but requires bouncing everything through a spreadsheet.

Notable is that the Windows version of RT-System's FT-5DR software apparently is able to preserve the "digital" information. But this feature was omitted from the MacOS version, where this seems like a very basic feature to support a digital radio...

Have I missed something? I'm still waiting for a response from RT-Systems on this issue...


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Notable is that the Windows version of RT-System's FT-5DR software apparently is able to preserve the "digital" information. But this feature was omitted from the MacOS version...
Sounds like something for RT Systems to resolve.


Jun 25, 2019
It is such a basic feature and there is little to no MacOS specific documentation, I was hoping I simply missed how this was done in their MacOS software. That said I tried to create a trouble ticket, but their web site for that is broken. Sent email but I guess I will just get on the phone with them on Monday...

I should have said all of the documentation is Windows specific even on their MacOS page. (Frown)


Dec 30, 2013
San Diego, CA
Worrying about whether a repeater shows up in FM, DN or AMS is really kind of superfluous. As long as your radio is in AMS, it' always going to respond with whatever mode it happens to hear.


Jun 25, 2019
Worrying about whether a repeater shows up in FM, DN or AMS is really kind of superfluous. As long as your radio is in AMS, it' always going to respond with whatever mode it happens to hear.
For receive what you suggest is possible, but that means manually checking the AMS box for every channel given when switching channels on the radio, it will revert to FM without AMS given what is stored does not have AMS enabled. Also on transmit for repeaters that are operating in digital only mode, this means remembering which are digital only and manually switching the radio to DN.

All this refers to the MacOS version where I have a strong belief the Windows version does not have the issues and limitations I have found. In short I'm well into multiple pages of problems found with the MacOS version. An example is clicking on the column heading for distance only works for a single pixel (ugh) on the heading, not anywhere in the heading.


Jun 25, 2019
Spoke with RT-Systems suggesting to move to a Windows license, but it would appear that the owner would rather spend time addressing my long list of issues with the MacOS version using me as his beta tester...consuming my time in hopes of eventually resulting in a usable software code.

The take away from this is multifold. RT-Systems will work to address issues. What is advertised might not be real depending on what radio software code you purchase. You might very well be better off with their Windows versions given that appears to be where they focus their efforts.

There is no question that I should have purchased the Windows version and run it in a VM on my Mac. This posted in the hope of informing a potential future customer to do their homework.


Dec 30, 2013
San Diego, CA
For receive what you suggest is possible, but that means manually checking the AMS box for every channel given when switching channels on the radio, it will revert to FM without AMS given what is stored does not have AMS enabled. Also on transmit for repeaters that are operating in digital only mode, this means remembering which are digital only and manually switching the radio to DN.

All this refers to the MacOS version where I have a strong belief the Windows version does not have the issues and limitations I have found. In short I'm well into multiple pages of problems found with the MacOS version. An example is clicking on the column heading for distance only works for a single pixel (ugh) on the heading, not anywhere in the heading.
Now you've get me all confused. I guess I'm going to have to spend more time with my FT5D.

Regarding your issues with the Mac OS version of the software, that would be something to take up with RT. I can't help you there as I'm a Windows user.


Jun 25, 2019
RT-Systems refunded my purchase. So there is that.

But I documented how importing a CSV file from RepeaterBook into Yaesu's software and the resulting behavior in the radio. Additionally I documented the resulting API call's JSON from RepeaterBook showing the fields which could be used by RT-Systems to mimic the Yaesu software. My hope is that with this insight they will be able to import data from RepeaterBook to cause the radio to present repeaters that support the digital waveform as such in the radio.

Note that Yaesu in their software will favor digital over analog. If the repeater is DV only, AMS is not enabled. But if the repeater is system fusion supporting both analog FM and DV, it will show up in the radio as DV with AMS also enabled.

If they get this resolved, I will repurchase the software though likely the Windows version given it appears to be more refined.