04768 is now Countywide Channel 1, which is what all units are supposed to monitor. When an individual town has traffic for their units, they will request that their units switch to channel two. Example, Pennsville PD is dispatched from the county, so say they get a complaint about a barking dog. County dispatcher will say County to 5 Cars, District 5, Channel 2. Units will go to 2, and reply with their unit number on 2. They will get the report and then the dispatcher will say back to 1. So channel 2 is really not very specific unless you hear what town its for. Pennsville has a channel 2, Carney's Point has their own channel 2, and so on. If you look in the DB, where you see Pennsville PD and the talkgroup, that is Pennsville's Channel 2, and again, the same holds true for the rest of the towns.