Salem - What to Listen to?

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Premium Subscriber
Nov 25, 2015
Salt Lake City, Utah
Finally getting a better scanner. I moved to Salem last October and have only had a base VHF/UHF scanner. Well my Pro-107 trunk Scanner is coming next week and I'm looking to decide what to program in, I added the Salem/Keizer Police and Fire. Chariots Bus, Railroad, but I am wondering what else around here is interesting to listen to?


Oct 19, 2010
camas wa
Finally getting a better scanner. I moved to Salem last October and have only had a base VHF/UHF scanner. Well my Pro-107 trunk Scanner is coming next week and I'm looking to decide what to program in, I added the Salem/Keizer Police and Fire. Chariots Bus, Railroad, but I am wondering what else around here is interesting to listen to?
I have the same one I put in all the trunking in first then I put in my conventional last it works ggreat
Thanks bears3312


Premium Subscriber
May 15, 2003
Portland, Oregon
Finally getting a better scanner. I moved to Salem last October and have only had a base VHF/UHF scanner. Well my Pro-107 trunk Scanner is coming next week and I'm looking to decide what to program in, I added the Salem/Keizer Police and Fire. Chariots Bus, Railroad, but I am wondering what else around here is interesting to listen to?

Of course it all depends on what you want to listen to, but I'd want to have Marion County Sheriff in there, and all the Marion County Fire frequencies, OSP Salem and OSP Albany, maybe OSP McMinnville, OSP Rose Lodge and OSP Detroit. Silverton/Mt. Angel police, Stayton police, Polk County Sheriff, Linn County Sheriff and Fire, Yamhill County Sheriff and Fire, maybe ODOT for when there's a weather event. Mt. Hood Natl Forest and Willamette Natl Forest. I'd also put in the SW 7 County P25 system that covers Linn, Lane and Benton counties. Some of the sites are probably too far away, but you might have luck with the Scott Mtn and Benton County sites. That's a good start.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 27, 2006
North Willamette Valley - Oregon
I don't even listen to to A or B systems in trunk mode. There isn't really a lot of radio traffic, especially on the North/ Keizer B system. Just Keizer PD. A tower gets dead about 5pm when city services close and its just FD mainly. Scan in conventional mode and lock out the data channel. Rumor has it a new digital 800 TRS radio system is being spec'd out now, for next year.

As for range.. Benton County Fire on 154.340, Linn County Fire 154.130, 154.310 come in great. During the summer months, State Forestry and USFS -Mt Hood / Willamette NF get active. ODOT reception is outstanding all up and down the Willamette Valley. I can pick up ODOT in Cascade Locks all the way south to Eugene.


Jan 26, 2003
Northwest Oregon
Speaking of Salem's TRS, while scanning that system recently, I noticed they now use some kind of text to voice system for fire dispatch. The audio for this robotic voice is much lower than actual dispatchers and mobile units. Seemed it only gave the dispatch information one time unlike what is done by Clark County so one would have to have the scanner's volume turned up quite a bit to hear everything only to then be blasted out by the real dispatcher and mobile units. Need to qualify that comment as I also noticed a dispatcher with low volume and one of the field units coming back to her saying it was hard to hear her. I think she did something (changed headset or something) and that brought the volume back to typical level.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 27, 2006
North Willamette Valley - Oregon
Salem FD

Speaking of Salem's TRS, while scanning that system recently, I noticed they now use some kind of text to voice system for fire dispatch. The audio for this robotic voice is much lower than actual dispatchers and mobile units. Seemed it only gave the dispatch information one time unlike what is done by Clark County so one would have to have the scanner's volume turned up quite a bit to hear everything only to then be blasted out by the real dispatcher and mobile units. Need to qualify that comment as I also noticed a dispatcher with low volume and one of the field units coming back to her saying it was hard to hear her. I think she did something (changed headset or something) and that brought the volume back to typical level.

Yeah, not sure why the volume is low. Also, it's not Locution Systems, it's another company. I wish it did repeat information twice, but it doesn't. I believe the CRESA 9-1-1 uses Locution Systems for automated dispatching.
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