San Mateo CA - scannerist leads police to attempted murder suspect

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Mar 12, 2014
Great. THAT's is what this is all about. If we can help and stay out of the way, we do. Being prevented from hearing any local dispatch merely endangers all of us as sitting ducks in the way of the crooks and police

I agree with you but I don't expect positive scanner use to make a lick of difference. The wheels of the big "E" will keep rolling.


Oct 30, 2010
Reminds me of a situation years ago. I was at home in the evening alone. Listening to my scanner I heard a dispatch about a drunken man at a party holding people at gunpoint outside about 2 blocks from me. By the time the police got there the man had gotten in his truck and drove off so they put out an ISPERN on him. Then they found his truck abandoned at a church around the corner from me. A county Sheriff police dog couldn't pick up a scent. Now here's a crazy drunk guy with a gun running loose in my neighborhood. So, I loaded my .45 1911, turned off the lights, and kept looking outside for this character. I figured an armed drunk guy with the police looking for him, could be desperate enough to break into a house, and I'm on a dead end dark street. If he came in, I had him covered. I kept looking outside ready to call the dispatcher if I saw him. They did get him an hour later in an alley 3 blocks from me. He must have went down hard as they called for an ambo for him. Most excitement I ever had scanning.
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