Does anyone have a map of the Sarasota County Fire Districts? Sarasota homepage give me pictures but no district demarcation. Thanks in advance for your help.
I can tell you what stations are in each of the four Sarasota County Battalions but I don't believe I know of a ground map.
I can tell you what stations are in each of the four Sarasota County Battalions but I don't believe I know of a ground map.
Go to this web site http//home.comcast.net/~/lt.marshall/scfd/index.html and click on right side of page Stations and that will give you a map with each house. After you digest that you will be missing station 10-15-16-18-26-51Venice-52 Venice-53 Venice-71 Englewood & 73 Englewood. Stations 51-52-53-71-73 all have County Rescue along with other city's equipment housed there. When you are ready for that info I will send to your PM.
Maybe this will work for u...
New station 15 is open and located at 9102 Bloomfield Blvd, Palmer Ranch.
E15 and RS 15 have been in service for about a year or more and have been operating out of Station 20 on Pinkey Rd. 20's is also know as the Shops. They are not NEW now but where new when put into service.