SC Fleettalk NXDN system

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DB Administrator
Database Admin
Dec 10, 2000
South Carolina
I'm working to identify sites that are part of the SC Fleettalk NEXEDGE system. And I'm getting some information that is confusing and contradictory. I'm hoping others can help with the effort. The system in question is here:

Note that I'm using the standard bandplan formulas to translate channel numbers into frequencies. Using these formulas, I have confirmed that the channel numbers for site control channels that I actually monitored (and thus I'm certain of the actual frequency) corresponds appropriately to the frequency calculated by the formulas. So I don't have any reason to believe that the frequencies I'm listing here are not correct.

Here are my findings that I find confusing:

- I monitored site 6 St George on 451.2125. Some neighbor sites included site 1 Channel 573 (462.150), Site 26 Channel 746 (464.3125). We have site 1 listed as Columbia but with a different control channel. I doesn't make sense that Columbia would be a neighbor to St. George, but 462.150 doesn't return a license for anything else particularly close to St. George. Site 26 is currently listed as St Matthews but with a different control channel. I suspect that this site 26 on 464.3125 is actually the Jasper site (WRCA685).

- I monitored site 28 Orangeburg on 464.8875. Neighbors included site 1 channel 573 (462.150, again) and site 2 channel 94 (451.1625). Same question regarding this site 1 as I stated above. We have site 2 listed in the database as Little Mountain but with a different control channel, and it doesn't make sense that Little Mountain would be a neighbor to Orangeburg. I suspect this site 2 is actually the site in Hampton (WRBT762).

- I monitored site 26 St. Matthews on 463.2875. We have site 26 listed as North Columbia, but I was far away from North Columbia when I received this site. I actually believe this site is in St. Matthews based on license WPVY507. Neighbors to this site included Site 1 Channel 717 (463.950) and Site 8 Channel 737 (464.200). This site 1 corresponds to the Site 1 we have listed in the database in terms of control channel frequency, and it's different from the Site 1 listed as a neighbor to the two sites listed above. Site 8 on 464.200 corresponds to the St Matthews site we have listed in the database.

- I next monitored Site 8 on 464.200. I believe this site is also at St. Matthews based on where I heard it and license WPVY507. I'm curious why there would be 2 sites in St. Matthews with overlapping coverage. But my actual monitoring would confirm that. Site 26 and Site 8 are listed as neighbors to each other with corresponding control channel frequencies.

-I monitored site 10 Paris Mountain on 463.8875. One neighbor is site 23 on channel 712 (463.8875). This is listed in the databsae as the Lancaster site, and the control channel checks out. But Lancaster and Paris Mtn aren't anywhere close to each other, and Lancaster is not listed as a neighbor for other sites closer to Lancaster than Paris Mtn. I wonder if tihs site 23 listed as a neighbor to Paris Mtn is really somewhere else. Maybe Aiken?

If anyone has capability to run DSD+ on any of these sites, please post the lines from the Event file that shows the frequency and neighbors. I'd like to update the database accurately.


I’m an idiot
Premium Subscriber
May 15, 2009
If your using a 436 or 536 you can use LCN finder to find the Channel IDs

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Feed Provider
Dec 13, 2012
Jacksonville, FL
Wherever site 8 is, I have better reception to it from the south side of the USC Campus than I do to site 1 or site 26. I can't even see 1 or 26 on the graph in FMP24 but I can hear them on my 396XT.

Here's the event file for site 8:

2019/01/10 14:28:40 Fusion decoding enabled
2019/01/10 14:28:40 D-STAR decoding enabled
2019/01/10 14:28:40 NXDN4800 decoding enabled
2019/01/10 14:28:40 NXDN9600 decoding enabled
2019/01/10 14:28:40 DMR/MotoTRBO decoding enabled
2019/01/10 14:28:40 P25 Phase 1 and Phase 2 decoding enabled
2019/01/10 14:28:40 X2-TDMA decoding enabled
2019/01/10 14:28:40 ProVoice decoding enabled
2019/01/10 14:28:40 Current network: L219 FleetTalk
2019/01/10 14:28:40 Current site: L219-8 St. Matthews?
2019/01/10 14:28:40 Group call; TG=314 RID=4277 Ch=672
2019/01/10 14:28:41 Voice call rejection; RID=3606 QUEUING INTERRUPT
2019/01/10 14:28:41 Registration; RID=4473 TG=335 ACCEPTED
2019/01/10 14:28:41 Group call; TG=314 RID=4326 Ch=722 1s
2019/01/10 14:28:42 Voice call rejection; RID=4300 GROUP BUSY
2019/01/10 14:28:42 Registration; RID=4599 TG=286 GROUP REJ
2019/01/10 14:28:43 Registration; RID=3532 [293] TG=285 [Richland County Area Taxi] ACCEPTED
2019/01/10 14:28:44 Group call; TG=387 [Bus?] RID=6516 Ch=533 3s
2019/01/10 14:28:45 Voice call rejection; RID=4277 GROUP BUSY
2019/01/10 14:28:45 Group call; TG=314 RID=4300 Ch=94 2s
2019/01/10 14:28:46 L219-8 neighbor: Site L219-1; CC=717
2019/01/10 14:28:46 L219-8 neighbor: Site L219-2; CC=160
2019/01/10 14:28:46 L219-8 neighbor: Site L219-3; CC=662
2019/01/10 14:28:46 L219-8 neighbor: Site L219-26; CC=664
2019/01/10 14:28:46 L219-8 neighbor: Site L219-27; CC=685 Gilbert
2019/01/10 14:28:46 L219-8 neighbor: Site L219-28; CC=792
2019/01/10 14:28:46 Not saving file DSDPlus.P25data
2019/01/10 14:28:48 Group call; TG=2038 RID=3606 Ch=568 4s
2019/01/10 14:28:49 Group call; TG=2051 RID=2510 Ch=672 2s

Here are the channels and frequencies I found in DSD for site 8:
84 - 451.0375
94 - 451.1625
533 - 461.6500
568 - 462.0875
672 - 463.3875
722 - 464.0125
737 - 464.2000 (Control Channel)
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DB Administrator
Database Admin
Dec 10, 2000
South Carolina
I travelled along I-26 a couple of times this weekend. I monitored a new System 219 Control channel on 463.2875 identifying as RAN 26. The nearest logical callsign would be WPQH216 which is in Union County. I'll try to monitor the Union RAN 16 to see if this shows up in the Neighbors list.


DB Administrator
Database Admin
Dec 10, 2000
South Carolina
RAN 26 463.2875 does NOT show as a neighbor to RAN 16 Union. So I'm not sure where it might actually be at this point.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 16, 2014
463.2875 is licensed to the existing site 26 in Richland County which is already in the database. There can not be duplicate site numbers on a NEXEDGE system, so I am willing to bet that there just needs to be a few changes made to that site in the DB.


Senior Member
Database Admin
Oct 22, 2005
There can be duplicate site numbers in a Nexedge system if the sites are in different "zones." There is a site 26 near Hardeeville with control channel on 464.3125.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 16, 2014
Can anyone confirm if there are two individual "zones" in South Carolina or if it is just one and there is some info that needs to be updated in the database?

I am working on a map of all of the fleet talk networks with the L219 system ID. It's not perfect and there are still missing sites, but I've made some headway up in NC. I've not been able to monitor most of the SC sites though so most of that info is from the DB or the forums. Let me know if you notice any errors as I am sure there are some! :)

Fleet Talk Known Sites - Google My Maps

Also, I did just located site 25 which is in Dillon, SC. Control channel is 451.5625 MHz and the license is WPNZ260.
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Premium Subscriber
Jun 16, 2014
Well as I am digging around on the site and I keep discovering sites that aren't in the Database, the more I am thinking that there are actually two networks. Anyone have any insights?

I've put some of the sites mentioned in this thread and ones I have found in the FCC database that aren't in the radioreference database with black pins on my map I linked to above.
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DB Administrator
Database Admin
Dec 10, 2000
South Carolina
I'm 99% certain that there are 2 separate systems in SC.

I'm not sure it matters since scanners nor subscriber radios can tell which system a site is part of. At this point, I don't think there is much value in in trying to discern which system a given site might be part of. I think one of the other admins was working to consolidate all of the SC and NC sites into a single system in the RRDB.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Upstate SC
There are 2 distinctly different systems operating in Anderson County:
ULS License - Industrial/Business Pool, Trunked License - WQXX573 - ROCK COMMUNICATIONS LLC
ULS License - Industrial/Business Pool, Trunked License - WQXI746 - GUNBY COMMUNICATIONS INC

I have confirmed both on my Uniden 436 scanners.
Rock Communications is quite active on 2 talkgroups, and appears to be construction type work.
Gunby Communications is heard infrequently (zero to a few times per week) on a couple of different construction talkgroups.

I have been unable to determine the actual users on either system, thus the heard talkgroups have not been submitted to RRDB.

Both of these systems are part of the Fleettalk umbrella: South Carolina Fleettalk Dealers


Premium Subscriber
Jun 16, 2014
There are 2 distinctly different systems operating in Anderson County:
ULS License - Industrial/Business Pool, Trunked License - WQXX573 - ROCK COMMUNICATIONS LLC
ULS License - Industrial/Business Pool, Trunked License - WQXI746 - GUNBY COMMUNICATIONS INC

I have confirmed both on my Uniden 436 scanners.
Rock Communications is quite active on 2 talkgroups, and appears to be construction type work.
Gunby Communications is heard infrequently (zero to a few times per week) on a couple of different construction talkgroups.

I have been unable to determine the actual users on either system, thus the heard talkgroups have not been submitted to RRDB.

Both of these systems are part of the Fleettalk umbrella: South Carolina Fleettalk Dealers
I noticed the Gunby License when I was digging around too. Could you by chance post the system ID and site number for the Gunby Communications site? Also the control and voice frequencies if you have them. I don't think that site is in the database yet.


DB Administrator
Database Admin
Dec 10, 2000
South Carolina
I also monitored a channel (or several) that DSD identified as NXDN system L15 site 20, which I think is the Georgia Fleettalk system. I believe, but I'm not positive, that it channels licensed to Gunby in Upstate SC. Frequency was 452.9125. Others were also listed as L15, but I'm much less (even skeptical) that the decode was accurate.
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