Ham radios which also monitor are often poor at scanning, that is, scan slowly, with very difficult to use lockout, etc. You have to check very closely, and actually go LOOK at one a friend or store will let you play with, to decide if it will meet your 'scanner' needs.
For instance, I have a Kenwood TH-F6 handie talkie, which has 2 meters, 220, and 440, and will receive from 100 KHz to 1299.999 MHz! SSB up to 420 MHz. It actually does scan fairly well, and makes a good conventional scanner, with CTCSS, DCS, and a very good receiver. But it won't do trunking. So in most urban areas these days, it's a 'backup' scanner, not a primary, as far as the local cops and fire go.
Be aware that no matter what frequency range it covers, HT's aren't good shortwave receivers, it takes a different design to really handle HF... but it will receive strong signals ok.