Scanner Laws in MO?

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May 15, 2004
St. Charles, MO
Hey all,

I was wondering what are the laws in MO pertainning to Radio Scanners.
Am I able to use my handheld scanner while I drive?

Thanks for any info.


Feed Provider
Dec 19, 2000
Park Hills, MO
I have been living in Missouri now for going on 3 years and have not had any problems with Law Enforcement with either my hand held or my mobile scanner.

As for as I know there are no laws against the use of a hand held or mobile scanner.


Jun 13, 2004
my wife is a cop in missouri and no laws exist as far as she can research in regards to a rsmo.

and if anyone really wanted to challenge the laws regarding scanners like the one in indiana which states you may not posses a scanner while mobile even on you while your are walking down the street. The arguement would pertain to free speech amendmemt 1. Now I don't know how far fetched this would be but you could argue amendment 2 right to bear arms in the second amendment it does not really describe what arms mean. So a judge could interpert that armimg yourself with information would also fall into the realm of protecting yourself and others. Example If you know there is a bomb threat at your local food store it may not be the time to go shopping :lol:


Feed Provider
Jul 12, 2007
Vernon/ Barton County MIssouri
I am a former Fire Fighter, and have several Friends in the Police and Fire Field... althought there are no Current Laws in place prohibiting Scanners.. there are several Plans being considered in this instance.


Nov 28, 2005
St. Louis County Missouri
scanrrman said:
I do believe the city of Independence, MO has a law that states you cannot possess a scanner inside your vehicle. I have not heard of anyone actually running into any problems unless they were using it to further a crime or such.

Years ago I got pulled over by Independence PD for speeding and hassled when the cop saw my radios in the vehicle (at the time a commercial 2-way HT, a CB, and a scanner) I was driving at the time. Apparently you had to have a permit to operate one in a mobile application. The permits were obtained from the Chief of Police if I remember correctly and were not easy to come by. Since I worked for a towing company in the Kansas City area (Wreck Chasing was big for them boys up there) it made them really suspicious of me.



Nov 28, 2004
Kansas City
I have never had a problem with Independence Police with my scanners in my vehicle, I have been asked what they are for and I tell them the truth,,, " They are for my personal ammusment", I live next door to an Indep. Police Sarg. he knows I have scanners in my vehicle and a loaded semi-automatic Ruger next to me and the PD never bothers me one bit, however I do not use my scanners for Illegal purposes or disclose what I hear. If I am pulled over my Radios are off. The only Agency to give me trouble about my scanners was the Highway Patrol, the Trooper just didn't like it because I had more radios in my vehicle than he did.


KE0SKN - Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 11, 2005
Kasson, Minnesota
I live in the city of Independence, Missouri. The city does have a anti scanner law. I was pulled over for a broken license plate light out. As the officer was writing a fix-it ticket he notice my scanner and told me that I could not have a scanner in my car or a hand-held scanner in public. It ok to have one in your house but not in my car. I told the officer I was a ham radio operator and the officer asked me for my F.C.C. license and I showed him my license to him and then he replied that I was exempt from the independence laws. I did went to the independence law office to get a permit for my scanner and the lady gave me a copy of the scanner law for me to have in my car so I can show the next officer that I don't need a permit that my F.C.C. license is my permit. Here is a copy of the Independence law:


No person shall equip any motor vehicle with a communications device tuned or fixed to receive or transmit messages on any frequency used by the Police Department, or have or use the same in any motor vehicle with in the City limits, unless such motor vehicle is used or owned by the City of Independence, Missouri, or other publicly owned and controlled law-enforcement agency, or, that person is an amateur radio operator with a Federal Communications Commission License.


KE0SKN - Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 11, 2005
Kasson, Minnesota
also Kansas City Missouri Does have a Scanner Law, But they don't in-force it unless it was use to commit a crime. Witch is also a federal crime too. Here is a copy of there Laws. Yes I went to there law office to get a copy of the city codes. Here it is:

Kansas City Missouri Laws:
Sec.70-853.Prohibited communications devices. No person shall equip any motor vehicle with any appliance or equipment which may be operated on an ultra-high-frequency radio receiving set, or with a communications device tuned, fixed or tunable to receive or transmit messages on any frequency used by the police department, or have or use such appliance or equipment in any motor vehicle in this city, unless such motor vehicle is used or owned by a police officer or other person whose bona fide duty is to execute, process, make arrests or aid in conserving the public peace, without first securing a permit so to do from the board of police commissioners upon application made to the board; provided,
however, this prohibition shall not apply to amateur radio service transceivers capable of
reception of public safety, special emergency or other radio service frequencies, the reception of which is not prohibited by federal law. In any application so made, it shall be shown to the board of police commissioners that the use of the appliance or equipment described in this section is required by the applicant in his business, occupation or employment, or will be available as an aid in enforcement work in case of public emergency.(Code of Gen. Ords. 1967, § 34.321; Ord. No.-41525, 10-20-72; Ord. No.6381, 8-16-84)

Also for the people of Grandview Yes you all have a law too. here I is:

Grandview Laws:

Sec. 14-118. Communications equipment in motor vehicles.

No persons shall equip any motor vehicle with a communications device tuned or fixed to receive or transmit messages on any frequency used by the police department or have or use the same in any motor vehicle with in the city limits, unless such motor vehicle is used or owned by a police officer or other person whose bona fide duty is to execute process,
make arrests or aid in conserving the public peace, without first securing a permit from the board of aldermen upon application made to them. In any application so made, it shall be shown to he board of aldermen that the use of the appliance or equipment herein is required by the applicant in his business, occupation or employment, or will be available as an aid in enforcement work in case of public emergency. (Ord. No. 964, art. 19, § 14)

RAYTOWN: I made a call and will get the answer soon from the public safety desk..
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