Found the following unidentified frequencies while scanning and searching today.
151.490 100.0 PL Having trouble with truck
151.625 71.9 PL Cleaning Crew
151.895 162.2 PL Spanish Language
153.140 114.0 PL Building check
154.570 67.0 PL Calling for customer service (Wal-Mart ?)
168.3625 162.2 PL Meet for coffee and BS
460.475 179.9 PL Intercom to Parking Lot (Tulsa Junior College ?)
462.650 CSQ Needing Radio Tower Repair
463.975 100.0 PL Complaining about Heat and Lights on 7th (Floor ?)
Move vehicle from front of building. Truck blocking
loading dock.
Any ideas on who uses the above frequencies and tones in Tulsa.
151.490 100.0 PL Having trouble with truck
151.625 71.9 PL Cleaning Crew
151.895 162.2 PL Spanish Language
153.140 114.0 PL Building check
154.570 67.0 PL Calling for customer service (Wal-Mart ?)
168.3625 162.2 PL Meet for coffee and BS
460.475 179.9 PL Intercom to Parking Lot (Tulsa Junior College ?)
462.650 CSQ Needing Radio Tower Repair
463.975 100.0 PL Complaining about Heat and Lights on 7th (Floor ?)
Move vehicle from front of building. Truck blocking
loading dock.
Any ideas on who uses the above frequencies and tones in Tulsa.