Scanning Sweet Home PD?


Apr 14, 2024
I scan from the Albany area and have been really wanting to listen to Sweet Home Police but there's just a few issues that prevent me. I recently got my first digital trunking scanner (BCD325P2) and it seems like it just doesn't pick up their analog frequency (154.8150) at all. I've used the rubber duck antenna and a cheap "Bingfu" VHF UHF antenna that has identical to slightly better performance than the rubber duck. No luck with either.

Beforehand I was using a BC75XLT and while the performance of that with SHPD's frequency wasn't the best I was still able to pick up a decent amount of and audible transmissions occasionally. Another thing I've tried is to use the VHF patch of SHPD on the Oregon State Radio Project. While I am able to actually pick up some of it, it's very choppy and inaudible. As goes with most of OSRP in general for me, no matter which site I use.

I've also tried the "P25" version of their conventional frequency and that doesn't pick up either.

Am I just out of range? Do I need a better antenna? Am I missing something?


Whacker Extraordinaire
Jul 18, 2016
Nowhere in WA
I scan from the Albany area and have been really wanting to listen to Sweet Home Police but there's just a few issues that prevent me.

I've also tried the "P25" version of their conventional frequency and that doesn't pick up either.

Am I just out of range? Do I need a better antenna? Am I missing something?
From the scanner side, make sure you're listening to NFM mode. AUTO should work but in this case it should be set to NFM for either analog or P25. Try going outside and walking around a bit. See if a precise location spot.

In looking at the terrain though, you're a good 12+ miles from SH itself, so yeah, the terrain might be fighting your signals a bit. They are using a lot of power so in theory you shouldn't have any issues. Digital signals do require more 'signal' to decode properly unlike analog signals.

With any "home" monitoring, I would always recommend a simple external discone antenna. Very easy to put up and doesn't cost a fortune. You can get cheaper Amazon models for $50-ish and higher quality versions for $125 --> the Diamond D130J from HRO.

It looks like the two sites are a hilltop antenna tower and the downtown fire station. It's possible they're working on the site too. Give it a few days and see how it goes.

Do you still have the 75XLT to compare the two scanners?


Apr 14, 2024
From the scanner side, make sure you're listening to NFM mode. Try going outside and walking around a bit. See if a precise location spot.

With any "home" monitoring, I would always recommend a simple external discone antenna. Very easy to put up and doesn't cost a fortune. You can get cheaper Amazon models for $50-ish and higher quality versions for $125 --> the Diamond D130J from HRO.

Do you still have the 75XLT to compare the two scanners?
I've had the frequency in my 325P2 programmed twice, one for analog and the other for P25 and both on NFM

How far can that Diamond typically pick up if you know?

I do still have the 75XLT. I've had both the 325 and the 75 running side by side lately scanning with SHPD's analog frequency enabled and haven't picked up a single thing. I think the issue is location and antennas.
Occasionally I'm able to head out more east in town close to I-5 and I pick up everything so much better there, including the Oregon State Radio Project. The next time I'm over there I will do some testing with both analog and P25 SHPD and their patch on OSRP.


Whacker Extraordinaire
Jul 18, 2016
Nowhere in WA
How far can that Diamond typically pick up..?

Too many variables govern what you'll receive but I've heard UHF milcom traffic at least 100 miles away. It helps that the aircraft was at 30,000ft but still the discone works well. I can also use it as ADS-B antenna and it'll pick up commercial aircraft 150+ miles away without issue -- and that's at 1090 Mhz.

For $12, buy a piece of 1" EMT conduit from hardware store (10ft) and use that as mast for discone. Put it on your roof or highest point nearby. That should get you at least 20ft.

For maximum signal, buy LMR240 or LMR400 coax cable from the discone to the scanner. (The LMR240 is thinner and easier to work with but the LMR400 will give you best signal.)

The Diamond discone is a quality antenna and it should last you 25+ years. It will definitely enhance your scanning experience.

PS. Use this stuff on the metal to metal parts for best longevity.


Apr 14, 2024
Too many variables govern what you'll receive but I've heard UHF milcom traffic at least 100 miles away. It helps that the aircraft was at 30,000ft but still the discone works well. I can also use it as ADS-B antenna and it'll pick up commercial aircraft 150+ miles away without issue -- and that's at 1090 Mhz.

For $12, buy a piece of 1" EMT conduit from hardware store (10ft) and use that as mast for discone. Put it on your roof or highest point nearby. That should get you at least 20ft.

For maximum signal, buy LMR240 or LMR400 coax cable from the discone to the scanner. (The LMR240 is thinner and easier to work with but the LMR400 will give you best signal.)

The Diamond discone is a quality antenna and it should last you 25+ years. It will definitely enhance your scanning experience.

PS. Use this stuff on the metal to metal parts for best longevity.
Thanks for all the info! I don't think I'll be able to set up anything like that anytime soon but I'll definitely keep this in mind. Very helpful


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
I pick up SH no problem on I5 any time I travel through the area. The antenna "system" is more important than the actual receiver. All it takes to kill or significantly reduce your reception is a strong signal near you such as a cell tower, paging system, etc.

There was a time when all we had to scan was VHF conventional to pick up what we want to hear. Now agencies can be digital and on one trunked system or another. I scan them all. Lots of stuff is on the SRP, JIWN or (for your area) Lane county. Scan in ID search mode if a TG is unknown.


Apr 15, 2006
Sweet Home/Foster OR
Sweet Home runs analog most of the time gives better signals from one end if town to the other with no distortion and also gives the neighborhood watch people an opertunity to keep a lookout on things. They will go P25 if they want to keep info from the tweakers and have only heard encrypted a few times. OSP, Lebanon, Linn County and Sweet Home all cross scan each other as ex Sweet Home officers work at the other 3 agencies and share a common interest to some of the common offenders and mutual aid for OSP when they have no trooper on duty here. Sweet Home has the repeater at the west end water tank along with the radios at the police station not sure if they have the second receive site any more. Fire has a radio at station 21 and a relay in Cascadia as the coverage from there into Scott is fuzzy at times, sometimes I can hear the handhelds better than Scott MT when they are working wrecks on HWY 20. If you want to monitor from Albany get a gain type dual band ham antenna and get some decent RG8 or for rx only RG11