hello ive got a couple of scratches on the screen of my 500 . not real happy about this. is there any cleaner or solution i can use to help with these scratches. i dont want to replace the lens so if someone can help on this. thanks
hello ive got a couple of scratches on the screen of my 500 . not real happy about this. is there any cleaner or solution i can use to help with these scratches. i dont want to replace the lens so if someone can help on this. thanks
Most auto supply stores carry plastic scratch remover. If you do not have gouges the product works well. If it is gouged you are out of luck. You also should buy LCD Screen Protectors and your future problems will be solved permenantly.
hello ive got a couple of scratches on the screen of my 500 . not real happy about this. is there any cleaner or solution i can use to help with these scratches. i dont want to replace the lens so if someone can help on this. thanks
Yes. There is a product called "Brasso" and it does a great job. Also for more solutions,check recent threads on eham.net There was a guy with the same question as you. Good luck!
Yeah, I picked up some generic screen protectors from Wal-Mart in the cell phone section really cheap. You can cut them to fit with an exacto knife or scissors. I usually put one on all my gadgets (scanners included).
Yeah, I picked up some generic screen protectors from Wal-Mart in the cell phone section really cheap. You can cut them to fit with an exacto knife or scissors. I usually put one on all my gadgets (scanners included).
Yes. There is a product called "Brasso" and it does a great job. Also for more solutions,check recent threads on eham.net There was a guy with the same question as you. Good luck!
I use Brasso also to remove scratches, I also work in metalurgy lab, we use 1micron diamond compuond to polish metal weld samples, it does a wonderful job polishing out scratches on plastic screens. Screen protectors are a must.