If someone has a usb extender cable please try one with the rtl-2832 on the end and see if it will work.
I use a 4 ft one and it works. A 50 ft cable and amp are available on ebay for $13. Before I buy one maybe yall can see if that type would work. I may try to make a 12-15 foot one and stick it on the end of a pole and see what the signal looks like.
I've been using an $11 30' repeater cable for at least a month now. I'll be buying more, but there are caveats:
- I've yet to find one that is even remotely built for outdoor use. Long term outdoor installation would require conduits or spares, and weatherproof enclosures for the repeater end and dongle.
- Sometimes they aren't stable. I haven't figured out what it is yet, but some times they will run for days flawlessly, other times they will hang after an hour or two. Unplugging and plugging the cable from the PC always resets it, but that's not always possible.
- The repeater circuitry is at the dongle end and isn't shielded. I added a six foot passive USB extension and snapped a ferrite choke to it. The repeater also has a nice little breakout for the USB power and data lines, making it easy to solder a couple of bypass caps to the power to help reduce electrical noise from the PC.
Overall it's a wonderful way to get the dongle out of the computer area and, as long as it's reliable, passes the information without loss...
Thumbs up from me!