Dom are there any cell towers and/or sites very near you? In my experience that can cause a high noise floor and resultant signal quality issues, which can lead to dropouts. This, in practice can be a frustrating problem to diagnose because the level of received interference can vary a lot, depending on how the cell site is working at a given moment.
If cell site interference is the problem you have a few options, including:
1. Move your antenna(s) a few feet around to try to find the “sweet” spot where your Rx works.
2. Install filtering to restrict reception to the band(s) you want and reduce the cell bands
3. Use.a diretional antenna (such as a yagi) pointed at the tower you want to RX (assuming the cell site isn’t along that path.
4. Use a higher quality receiver with a lower noise floor, like an Airspy (in your case a mini has enough bandwidth)
5. Try OP25 (I have decoded trunked systems under very high cell site noise conditions) with an ordinary dongle, where almost nothing else worked
Depending on the location and site I have successfully done all of the above.