I have a 100 with a few local countries FD favorite lists already operational
Question: how do I manually (without using sentinel) add say Portland FD freqs to a new favorite list I’ve already named for Portland and ready to add their channels.
thanks I’m a new user to the SDS-100 since Jan.
Looking at the database for
Multinomah County (Portland Oregon), I do not see any conventional channels listed for Portland, Oregon. If the Portland you are referring to is in a different state, advise which one; even better, provide the link to the database page for that entity. If you are looking at the FCC licenses, and see some conventional (non-trunked) frequencies licensed, you can create a conventional system to include those, but if that is the case, then you may want to have your thread moved to the sate forum, where someone local might be able to confirm if any are in use, or if everything is on the trunked system. (See this
Wiki page for more details of how a trunked system works.)
Portland, Oregon Fire and Rescue is on this trunked system:
Portland Trunking System Profile
To program that system, you'd need to create a trunked system, and enter both the sites as well as the talkgroups being used. Step by step instructions for
programming via the scanner's keypad are in the Easier to Use Manual for your scanner. (That also provides details on creating a conventional system & adding channels & frequencies.)
Yes, you can do this, step by step, directly through the scanner's keypad, but for a trunked system, you must create the system, as well as creating sites and departments. There are several steps for each of those processes, and using the keypad is definitely frustrating & time consuming. That is particularity in regards to entering the text tags for each of these. Via the keypad, you enter one character at a time, using the scroll knob to find the letter, select it, then move to the next one.
Even if you wanted to enter everything manually, instead of appending the system from the main database, it still is much faster, also much more accurate to create it in Sentinel. Using Sentinel, you can use the PC's keypad to enter the text tags for the systems, sites, departments, and channels. Since you are entering them in the PC, it's much easier to spot & correct errors in entries or text tags.
You show to be a Premium Subscriber. As such, your easiest method to create additional Favorites lists, and/or add systems, along with all the needed details, by importing from the database via software such as
ProScan. ProScan does have a 30-day free trial period, so that you can try it before purchasing. ProScan also supports multiple other Uniden scanners. (I prefer ProScan, but ARC536 also can import or create systems for the SDS and BCDx36HP series Uniden scanners. It also has a 30 day trial period, after which you either need to purchase the software, or discontinue use.)