I bought a used SDS100 about 2 months ago. It has worked great until earlier today when it completely stopped picking up any frequencies. Any suggestions on what to do?
I had the squelch at 6, took it down to 2, still no luck. Tried 0, factory reset it, and none of those settings work. For weather scan i just get static.
Do you have any Analog Frequencies that are open Squelch no PL tone?
If so does it have a obsoleting static like interference?
If so you have the Cold Solder Joint Issue and the scanner needs to be repaired by Uniden.
Take a Picture of the Display and post the picture here.
I bought used 100E , it worked flawlessly for months then one day boom (dead), identical problem to yours send in to repair appears only option texas wont take for repair , madly emailing all wholesalers to see what options are