Wait. Why are people saying to only program in the control channel? Does the SDS100 not need the full slate of Voice Channels? Voice comms are not transmitted through the control channel, are they?
It does not
need all of the site frequencies. Only those flagged as control channels are required. But if you create a Favorites list by appending a system and it's sites from the main database, it will append
all of the site's frequencies. The "control channels only" has been the case for all the current scanner models as well as their predecessors for several years back. For certain object oriented models, like the Whistler WS1040 & WS1065, there is a limited amount of memory that can be used, so only entering the controls saved memory objects that could be used for other data in a scanlist. But for the current Uniden database scanners (as well as the GRE-Whistler database scanners), the usable memory is many times that of the older object oriented scanners. Uniden's current DMA scanners (non-database), such as the 325P2 & 996P2, have a channel capacity of 25,000, so saving space is not really a factor in most cases. If importing a system via software, such as ProScan, you can set it to only pull control channels in the import, but that's not necessary. Having all the frequencies, not just control channels, is a bit of insurance in case the site is reconfigured, with one or more control channels switched to other frequencies on the site.
I would note that if a P25 system is one designed & sold by L3-Harris, then you do need all frequencies, as those systems can, and often do, rotate the control channel through all of the site frequencies. You also need all of the site frequencies for EDACS & LTR systems, though those system types (at least in my area) are being replaced with P25 or DMR systems.