I got mine from HRO around this time last year. It was $650 plus $50 tax from the state of Georgia. If you live near Georgia. I recommend driving down there and picking it up. Something that expensive and fragile. I like to check and make sure it has that new $700 plastic smell to it. And also I give it a little wiggle to make sure nothings broke. Open the box let the new smell hit you in face. Test to see if the scanner turns on. If good. Put the scanner back in the box. Put in the floor board. Or if you don't wanna wait til you do firmware upgrades. Which I recommend. Leave it on and tune it in to Georgia State Patrol. The State of Georgia introduced a while back.
The Super Speeder Law in Georgia became effective in 2010 and it defines a Super Speeder as any driver who is convicted of traveling 75 mph or more on a two-lane road or 85 mph or more on any road or state highway
I catch myself always pushing 90+mph. Why not everything body else is doing it. Especially the HOV lane.