The first run of SDS100's came with the small battery and a letter indicating the inadequacy of this battery during beta testing and how to register at for a free larger battery and door when they became available. So yeah it did happen. But if they don't know your have the radio they can't send the replacement.
It's the yellow paper on top when first unboxed in this @UPMan video.
I miss that guy..
Paul Opitz (Upman) had mentioned they had always intended for about twice the battery life of the smaller first batteries. (I took that to mean somebody dropped the ball when in the design stages and while the first production run was supposed to come with the better life expectancy battery, it didn’t! You can add credibility to that by what Uniden DID do... they supplied a lithium ion battery due to the higher power requirements of the software defined radioI [SDR]. So they knew all along their offering of the smaller battery was solely an effort to buy more time while they developed a larger battery. Otherwise they would have stuck to the AA form factor.) I guess it was a rush to market that they were practicing in the hopes they would beat other manufacturers to the punch... which as it turned out, was not a concern... nobody had an SDR radio ready to challenge the SDS100.The first run of SDS100's came with the small battery and a letter indicating the inadequacy of this battery during beta testing and how to register at for a free larger battery and door when they became available. So yeah it did happen. But if they don't know your have the radio they can't send the replacement.
It's the yellow paper on top when first unboxed in this @UPMan video.
I miss that guy..
And they still do not have any competition for the SDSx00 scanners.
To the OP if you bought a SDS100 and followed the directions they would have sent you a replacement battery and door and as in Jon's case a year and a half later they sent him his battery.