I have an SDS200 with the PRO VOICE key. I'm about to buy an SDS100 and am wondering if the PROVOICE option was really neccesary.
There's two EDACS systems that I monitor with the SDS200 with the PROVOICE option enabled.
Whenever there's PROVOICE traffic, is usually encrypted so, I'm thinking, having bought the PROVOICE key was a waste of money.
My understanding is that PROVOICE, is the digital voice component and EDACS, is analog.
So that, out of the box, either SDS, should be able to monitor EDACS but, skipped digital traffic in PROVOICE.
There's two EDACS systems that I monitor with the SDS200 with the PROVOICE option enabled.
Whenever there's PROVOICE traffic, is usually encrypted so, I'm thinking, having bought the PROVOICE key was a waste of money.
My understanding is that PROVOICE, is the digital voice component and EDACS, is analog.
So that, out of the box, either SDS, should be able to monitor EDACS but, skipped digital traffic in PROVOICE.