Setting it to manual and 8 gives me lower error rates than setting it to Auto. I'll look at it some more. Is this official or just your opinion?
Note: the following only appoes to x36 radios:
A few firmware versions ago, the actual voltage values associated with threshold numbers were adjusted, and the Auto algorithm was tweaked. Threshold 8 with current firmware is not the same as threshold 8 with firmware 1.11.xx. That is official, not opinion.
If you go into digital adjustment mode (scroll, FUNC, scroll on 436, scroll, volume on 536), watch the threshold value when in auto mode. If it holds on a value immediately and doesn't fluctuate more than ±1 from that value, there is no benefit to manually setting that value manually. If it fluctuates more than ±1 (which is usually a simulcast or weak signal issue), then watch the decode error number and note what threshold value corresponds with the lowest decode error, and set that value manually. The optimal threshold value varies from site to site, and sometimes from scanner to scanner. So a blanket recommendation of any manual threshold value is generally going to be wrong.
As noted before, the SDS100 does not use or need threshold settings for its I/Q demodulator, and therefore all threshold mode and value settings have been removed from the SDS100 menu, and in Sentinel favorite list editor when the active profile has the Target Model set to SDS100.