As far as I know, no one knows whether they are band pass, high pass, low pass or what.
It's bandpass. It's the high IF filter at around 250MHz that's 10MHz wide.
At the OFF setting it works as any other filter in Unidens scanners and pass frequencies +/-5MHz around the monitored frequency.
NORMAL are an IF frequency shift of +5MHz in reference to the filters bandpass frequency so that it doesn't pass any frequencies, or only a narrow range, above the monitored frequency, but pass all frequencies 10MHz below.
INVERT are the opposite of that and pass everything 10MHz above the monitored frequency and nothing below it.
WIDE NORMAL only switch the IF filter halfways, so it will pass frequencies within 2MHz above and 8MHz below the monitored frequency.
WIDE INVERT are the possite with passband of 2MHz below and 8MHz above the frequency.
So there is no more narrower or more wider filters, the whole passband are just shifted more or less at either side, a common function in shortwave receivers.
What filter setting that works best to use are dependent of where the strongest interferencies are at the current unique location and are often an excersise of trial and error and are also dependent of what frequencies that are monitored. As the filter settings are defined for a whole site, or department, that might have a wide spread of different frequencies, it could be that one single setting does not work to be used for all frequencies at a site or department.