I think you may be confused between the scanners record/replay features and Proscans record feature. The replay duration setting in the scanner, and the record feature in Proscan are 2 different things and do not have anything to do with each other. My replay option aka buffer in my 200 is off, and Proscan records what I want it to without issue.
The scanner, without any use of Proscan has the ability to replay last transmission and/or record audio and store it on the Micro Sd card.. The menu where you selected 240 seconds, that's for when your on the scanner and want to instantly playback the last (user selected,) 240 seconds of audio.
The Record Marked Channels, in
@ProScan software, that is a feature in Proscan that lets you select multiple channels to record and have that recorded audio remain on your PC or laptop for playback..
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