Search and Store equivalent on a BCD436HP

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Dec 19, 2005
I've owned lots of Unidens over the of the features I love is the Search and Store function. But I'm relatively new to the 436, and it seems to be missing the ability to do Search and Store????

AFAIK, there doesn't appear to be the same functionality in the 436. I'm familiar with the Discovery function in the 436, but the issue is that it's limited to searching through one single band (you define just one upper and one lower freq limit). This makes it pretty useless when you want to search for new channels across several tightly defined frequency bands. You end up having to define such a wide range for Discovery to work it significantly reduces probably of intercept. With Search and Store, you could set multiple custom search bands very easily.

The only other way I could kinda replicate this is enabling the recording function and then running several custom searches (the custom searches would do the 'searching' bit and recording would 'store' the new channels). I could cope with that, but the issue I've found is that there doesn't appear to be a way of nudging the scanner on up the band when it hits upon an active carrier. It'll just hit on the first carrier and then stay there. I can't see any hold time or time out setting to play with?

Anyone got any bright ideas? What have I missed?




Dec 19, 2005
Discovery Mode.

Thanks UpMan....but is there a way of Performing Discover across multiple bands (ie setting several upper and lower limits and not just the one?) The scenario is that I want to attend an event where I know the radio operators will be in one of two bands (just say 145-146Mhz and 430-433Mhz). In Search and Store I could set two Custom Search bands and set search and store running and leave it unattended to come up with the goodies.

In a 436 I think I have to keep manually intervening and changing the upper and lower limits and run two Discovery runs, or else have one unattended Discovery run that goes 145-433Mhz, but that includes all that 'dead' spectrum space. Any ideas?


Dec 19, 2005
You could search-n-record...

Thanks I said in my initial post, the issue you run into is where the search stumbles across a birdie/'open mic'/broadcast signal: in search mode, the scanner will just stop on this signal, and never move off it. However, I've just uncovered what the -5 and -10 delay time settings actually mean (act as a 5 or 10 sec max hold time, or time out setting), so that seems to be the answer.

Pity there doesn't seem to be a way of automatically committing each found freq to memory automatically using this technique (unless someone can help with that one?) but the ability to review each recording is good.

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