...Shortwave Radiogram #362 Thursday 7/11/24 at 2330 to 0000 UTC on WINB 9265Mhz. decoded using TIVAR for android.
program preview and1st segment broadcast in MFSK 32 about technical device that pulls water from air, 2nd segment broadcast in MFSK 64
about cubesat propulsion systems. several weekly images also broadcast in MFSK 64, program closes in MFSK32...
excellent and clean reception of 9265Mhz for the entire broadcast...
program preview and1st segment broadcast in MFSK 32 about technical device that pulls water from air, 2nd segment broadcast in MFSK 64
about cubesat propulsion systems. several weekly images also broadcast in MFSK 64, program closes in MFSK32...
excellent and clean reception of 9265Mhz for the entire broadcast...